- host specificity
бтх хозяйская специфичность (к инфиции данным паразитом)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
host specificity — šeimininko specifiškumas statusas Aprobuotas sritis augalų apsauga apibrėžtis Mikroorganizmų rūšies ar padermės (štamo) gebėjimas kolonizuoti tam tikras šeimininkų rūšis. Vienas šeimininko atžvilgiu specifiškas mikroorganizmas kolonizuoja tik… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
host specificity — The degree to which a parasite is able to mature in one or more host species … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Host (biology) — In biology, a host is an organism that harbors a parasite, or a mutual or commensal symbiont, typically providing nourishment and shelter. In botany, a host plant is one that supplies food resources and substrate for certain insects or other… … Wikipedia
specificity — noun 1. the quality of being specific rather than general (Freq. 7) add a desirable note of specificity to the discussion the specificity of the symptoms of the disease • Derivationally related forms: ↑specific • Hypernyms: ↑particularity, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
specificity — n. [L. species, kind] Condition of an individual or group of organisms being specific to a host, locale, etc; see host specificity … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
specificity — noun Date: 1875 the quality or condition of being specific: as a. the condition of being peculiar to a particular individual or group of organisms < host specificity of a parasite > b. the condition of participating in or catalyzing only one or a … New Collegiate Dictionary
specificity — 1. The condition or state of being specific, of having a fixed relation to a single cause or to a definite result; manifested in the relation of a disease to its pathogenic microorganism, of a reaction to a certain chemical … Medical dictionary
host-specific toxin — A metabolite, produced by a pathogen, and which is responsible for the adverse effects of the pathogen. The toxin has a host specificity equivalent to that of the pathogen. Utilized for in vitro selection experiments to screen for tolerance or… … Glossary of Biotechnology
disease — diseasedly, adv. diseasedness, n. /di zeez /, n., v., diseased, diseasing. n. 1. a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection,… … Universalium
Control biológico de la hormiga de fuego — Solenopsis invicta. El control biológico de la hormiga de fuego (del género Solenopsis) se ha enfocado en la búsqueda de enemigos naturales donde es nativa para ser enviados a donde es exótica y así reducir su número poblacional. Se han… … Wikipedia Español
Phage therapy — is the therapeutic use of bacteriophages to treat pathogenic bacterial infections. Although extensively used and developed mainly in former Soviet Union countries for about 90 years, this method of therapy is still being tested elsewhere for… … Wikipedia