horizontal equivalent

horizontal equivalent
заложение (напр. откоса)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "horizontal equivalent" в других словарях:

  • horizontal equivalent — The horizontal distance on the earth’s surface between successive contours. The height interval between the successive contours is known as a vertical interval. For a given vertical interval, the smaller the horizontal equivalent, the steeper is… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Equivalent Series Resistance — Prinzipdarstellung eines Kondensators mit Dielektrikum Ein Kondensator („Verdichter“, von lat.: condensus: „dichtgedrängt“, bezogen auf die elektrischen Ladungen) ist ein passives elektrisches Bauelement mit der Fähigkeit, elektrische Ladung und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Horizontal parallax — Parallax Par al*lax, n. [Gr. ? alternation, the mutual inclination of two lines forming an angle, fr. ? to change a little, go aside, deviate; para beside, beyond + ? to change: cf. F. parallaxe. Cf. {Parallel}.] 1. The apparent displacement, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 35 mm equivalent focal length — In photography, the 35 mm equivalent focal length is a measure that indicates the angle of view of a particular combination of a camera lens and film or sensor size. The term originates from the time when the vast majority of photography was done …   Wikipedia

  • VHS — Infobox media name = Video Home System | caption = Top view of VHS cassette with ruler for scale type = Video recording media encoding = FM on magnetic tape common lengths = 120, 160 minutes (Standard Play Mode) unusual lengths = 5, 10, 15, 30,… …   Wikipedia

  • Iteration mark — Iteration marks are characters or punctuation that represent a duplicated character or word.In Japanese, iteration marks ( ja. 踊り字 odoriji dancing mark , ja. 重ね字 kasaneji , ja. 繰り返し記号 kurikaeshikigō , or ja. 反復記号 hanpukukigō , repetition symbols… …   Wikipedia

  • закладання — заложение horizontal equivalent; distance between contiguous isolines, contour interval Horizontalabstand, horizontal Länge відстань між суміжними ізолініями (горизонталями, ізогіпсами і т.і.) на топографічній карті, гіпсометричному плані. З.… …   Гірничий енциклопедичний словник

  • Paste (Unix) — paste is a Unix command line utility which is used to join files horizontally (parallel merging) by outputting lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines of each file specified, separated by tabs, to the standard output. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • landscraper — n. An imposingly long building, particularly one that houses a commercial enterprise, such as a factory or hotel. Also: land scraper. Example Citations: To put up almost a mile of space age, super luxury grandstand, including a four block, 11… …   New words

  • горизонтальне закладання — горизонтальное заложение horizontal equivalent *Horizontalabstand проекція виміряної похилої довжини лінії на горизонтальну площину. Див. закладання …   Гірничий енциклопедичний словник

  • arts, East Asian — Introduction       music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature.       Some studies of East Asia… …   Universalium

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