hookup diagram
Смотреть что такое "hookup diagram" в других словарях:
cir|cuit — «SUR kiht», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) the action of going around; a moving around; a trip around: »The earth takes a year to make its circuit of the sun. b) a roundabout course; detour: »They…could only advance by long circuits (Elisha K. Kane). 2.… … Useful english dictionary
hook|up — «HUK UHP», noun. 1. the arrangement and connection of the parts of a radio set, telephone, radio broadcasting facilities, or other electrical or electronic equipment: »He gave…a speech before 10,000 people in Cleveland, which was broadcast over a … Useful english dictionary
Peritoneal dialysis — Intervention Schematic diagram of peritoneal dialysis ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
scheme — [n1] course of action arrangement, blueprint, chart, codification, contrivance, design, device, diagram, disposition, draft, expedient, game plan, layout, order, ordering, outline, pattern, plan, presentation, program, project, proposal,… … New thesaurus