- homogeneous equation
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Homogeneous (mathematics) — In mathematics, homogeneous may refer to:*Homogeneous polynomial, in algebra *Homogeneous function *Homogeneous equation, in particular: Homogeneous differential equation *Homogeneous system of linear equations, in linear algebra *Homogeneous… … Wikipedia
homogeneous — homogeneously, adv. /hoh meuh jee nee euhs, jeen yeuhs, hom euh /, adj. 1. composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous: a homogeneous population. 2. of the same kind or nature; essentially alike. 3. Math. a.… … Universalium
homogeneous — ho•mo•ge•ne•ous [[t]ˌhoʊ məˈdʒi ni əs, ˈdʒin yəs, ˌhɒm ə [/t]] adj. 1) gen composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous: a homogeneous population[/ex] 2) of the same kind or nature; essentially alike 3) Math. a)… … From formal English to slang
homogeneous — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin homogeneus, homogenus, from Greek homogenēs, from hom + genos kind more at kin Date: 1641 1. of the same or a similar kind or nature 2. of uniform structure or composition throughout < a culturally homogeneous… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Homogeneous function — In mathematics, a homogeneous function is a function with multiplicative scaling behaviour: if the argument is multiplied by a factor, then the result is multiplied by some power of this factor.Formal definitionSuppose that f: V arr W qquadqquad… … Wikipedia
Homogeneous differential equation — A homogeneous differential equation has several distinct meanings.One meaning is that a first order ordinary differential equation is homogeneous if it has the form : frac{dy}{dx} = F(y/x).To solve such equations, one makes the change of… … Wikipedia
Homogeneous coordinate system — A homogeneous coordinate system is a coordinate system in which there is an extra dimension, used most commonly in computer science to specify whether the given coordinates represent a vector (if the last coordinate is zero) or a point (if the… … Wikipedia
Homogeneous coordinates — In mathematics, homogeneous coordinates, introduced by August Ferdinand Möbius in his 1827 work Der barycentrische Calcul [ [http://www history.mcs.st andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Mobius.html Mobius biography ] ] , allow affine transformations to be … Wikipedia
Homogeneous charge compression ignition — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Homogeneous coordinate ring — In algebraic geometry, the homogeneous coordinate ring R of an algebraic variety V given as a subvariety of projective space of a given dimension N is by definition the quotient ring R = K[X0, X1, X2, ..., XN]/I where I is the homogeneous ideal… … Wikipedia
Équation de Friedman — Équations de Friedmann Le contenu de cet article du Portail:Cosmologie a fait l objet d une validation par un chercheur spécialiste du domaine le 18 juillet 2007 (comparer avec la version actuelle). Il est donc en principe exempt d erreur grave.… … Wikipédia en Français