- home receiver
бытовой радиоприёмник
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Home Theater Projectors — are projectors designed for use in Home Theaters.HistoryUntil about 2001, projectors designed for use in homes to view movies and TV were rather rare, and extremely expensive. In 2006 there are more than 50 models of home theater projectors… … Wikipedia
Receiver (radio) — This article is about a radio receiver, for other uses see Radio (disambiguation). A radio receiver is an electronic circuit that receives its input from an antenna, uses electronic filters to separate a wanted radio signal from all other signals … Wikipedia
Home cinema — Basic home theater made up of a home entertainment system consisting of large screen LCD television and a DVD player, (and a Blu ray Disc capable PlayStation 3 game console). Home cinema, also commonly called home theater, are home entertainment… … Wikipedia
Home theater PC — A Mac Mini as a home theater PC showing Apple s stock Front Row interface A Home Theater PC (HTPC) or Media Center appliance is a convergence device that combines some or all the capabilities of a personal computer with a software application… … Wikipedia
Receiver of the Metropolitan Police — The Receiver, formally called The Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District (and sometimes referred to early in the post s existence as the Receiver General), was until 2000 the chief financial officer of the Metropolitan Police in London,… … Wikipedia
Home Cinema — HDTV Bild im Heimkino Das Heimkino (von englisch: Home Cinema) dient der akustischen und visuellen Nachbildung der Kinoatmosphäre in Privatwohnungen. Dabei wächst der Anspruch an die Qualität mit der Entwicklung des Kinos einerseits… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Home theater in a box — A home theater in a box (HTIB) is an integrated home theater package which bundles together a combination DVD player/ multi channel amplifier (which includes a surround sound decoder, a radio tuner, and other features), speaker wires, connection… … Wikipedia
Home Shopping Network — HSN redirects here. For hereditary sensory neuropathy , see Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy. HSN Home Shopping Network logo Launched 1982 Owned by HSN, Inc. Picture format … Wikipedia
Receiver operating characteristic — In signal detection theory, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or simply ROC curve, is a graphical plot of the sensitivity vs. (1 specificity) for a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. The ROC can also be… … Wikipedia
Receiver General for Canada — The Receiver General for Canada ( French: Receveur général du Canada ) is responsible for making payments to the Canadian government each fiscal year, accepting payments from financial institutions and preparing the Public Accounts of Canada,… … Wikipedia
Home computer — A home computer was a class of personal computer entering the market in 1977 and becoming common during the 1980s. [ [http://www.homecomputer.de/ Home of the home computer] website] They were marketed to consumers as accessible personal computers … Wikipedia