
1) отверстие || пробивать отверстие; просверливать отверстие
2) полость
3) канал
4) шахта; шурф
5) ствол скважины (см. тж
6) скважина (см. тж
7) раковина; свищ (в отливке)
8) электрон. дырка
9) пробивка; мн. ч. перфорация
10) трюм
11) воздушная яма
12) ж.-д. ветка
holes are unfair — отверстия не совпадают;
hole for gear lube return — отверстие для возвращения смазки в кожух;
to fair rivet holes to each other — совмещать заклёпочные отверстия;
to open out hole — разваливать отверстие;
to ream hole — 1. развёртывать отверстие 2. расширять ствол скважины
access hole
adjusting hole
advanced feed holes
air bleed hole
air blown poke hole
air hole
altitude hole
ash hole
balancing hole
beam hole
bell hole
biological hole
blank hole
blast hole
bleed hole
blind hole
blue hole
body-size hole
bolt hole
bored hole
box hole
bung hole
burnable poison hole
cable-tool hole
cased hole
caved hole
center hole
charge hole
chimney hole
clearance hole
closed hole
code holes
contacting hole
contact hole
control-rod hole
core hole
counterbored hole
coupling hole
crimp inspection hole
crooked hole
cross-drilled hole
cut hole
damping hole
day hole
definition hole
diamond drill hole
die hole
dip hole
discharge hole
discovery hole
drain hole
drainage hole
drill hole
dry hole
dust hole
electron hole
empty hole
eroded hole
excess holes
experimental hole
exploratory hole
exposure hole
extra holes
failure hole
feed holes
feeding hole
filler hole
fission hole
floater hole
floss hole
flow hole
free hole
freeze hole
fuel hole
gage hole
gas hole
gathering hole
glory hole
grout hole
guide hole
heavy hole
hot hole
inclined hole
index hole
indexing hole
injected hole
in-line feed holes
inspection hole
instrument hole
investigation hole
irradiation hole
large coolant hole
lead hole
line hole
lock hole
long hole
lubrication hole
manipulator hole
matte tapping hole
mobile hole
mortise hole
mounting hole
observation hole
oil hole
oil reservoir hole
open hole
orifice hole
peep hole
perforation hole
photoexcited hole
pigeon hole
pilot hole
pilot pressure hole
pin hole
plated-through hole
plug hole
pouring hole
preheating-flame hole
probe hole
puncture hole
putlog hole
recess hole
reference hole
relief hole
rivet hole
rudder hole
salamander-drain hole
sample hole
screw hole
scum hole
scupper hole
security hole
sham hole
shearing pin hole
shield hole
shot hole
shrinkage hole
shrink hole
sight hole
sighting hole
sink hole
skimming hole
skin hole
slant hole
slim hole
small coolant hole
sounding hole
spike hole
spinnerette hole
spinnerete hole
sprocket holes
sprocket removal holes
sprue hole
steel-tapping hole
sticky hole
stirring hole
tapped hole
test hole
thief hole
threaded hole
through hole
trapped hole
trimming hole
turning hole
ullage hole
vacuum suction holes
vent hole
water-cooling hole
weep hole
wet hole
working hole

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "hole" в других словарях:

  • Hole — or Holes may refer to: * a confined lack of structure in some part of an object * an individual section of a golf course * Black hole, an object with an immense gravitational field ** White hole, the time reversal of a black hole * Electron hole …   Wikipedia

  • Hole — actuando en Brooklyn en marzo de 2010. Datos generales Origen Los Angeles, California, Estados U …   Wikipedia Español

  • hole — [hōl] n. [ME < OE hol, orig. neut. of adj. holh, hollow, akin to Ger hohl < IE base * kaul , *kul , hollow, hollow stalk > L caulis, Gr kaulos, stalk] 1. a hollow or hollowed out place; cavity; specif., a) an excavation or pit ☆ b) a… …   English World dictionary

  • Hole — (h[=o]l), n. [OE. hol, hole, AS. hol, hole, cavern, from hol, a., hollow; akin to D. hol, OHG. hol, G. hohl, Dan. huul hollow, hul hole, Sw. h[*a]l, Icel. hola; prob. from the root of AS. helan to conceal. See {Hele}, {Hell}, and cf. {Hold} of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hole — Pays d’origine États Unis Genre musical Grunge Rock alternatif Années d activité de 1989 à …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hole — ► NOUN 1) a hollow space in a solid object or surface. 2) an opening or gap in or passing through something. 3) a cavity on a golf course into which the ball is directed. 4) informal a small, awkward, or unpleasant place or situation. ► VERB 1)… …   English terms dictionary

  • Hole — steht für eine Grunge Band, siehe Hole (Band) die norwegische Kommune Hole, siehe Hole (Norwegen) Hole ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Dave Hole (* 1948), australischer Slide Gitarrist Lois Hole (1933–2005), kanadische Politikerin und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hole — Основная информация Жанры Гранж Альтернативный рок …   Википедия

  • hole — UK US /həʊl/ noun ► [C] a loss or an amount that cannot be explained: »He s a fund manager who has fashioned a career by finding the holes in financial statements. »The company has revealed a £20m hole in its pension fund because of collapsing… …   Financial and business terms

  • Hole — Hole, v. t. [AS. holian. See {Hole}, n.] 1. To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in; as, to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars. Chapman. [1913 Webster] 2. To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hole — n Hole, hollow, cavity, pocket, void, vacuum are comparable when they mean an open or unfilled space in a thing. Hole may apply to an opening in a solid body that is or that suggests a depression or an excavation {those holes where eyes did once… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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