holding wood
Смотреть что такое "holding wood" в других словарях:
wood — wood1 [wood] n. [ME wode < OE wudu, earlier widu, akin to OHG wito < IE base * widhu , tree > OIr fid, Welsh gwŷdd, tree, forest] 1. [usually pl., with sing. or pl. v.] a thick growth of trees; forest or grove 2. the hard, fibrous… … English World dictionary
Wood Badge — is a Scouting leadership program and the related award for adult leaders in the programs of Scout associations around the world. Wood Badge courses aim to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond … Wikipedia
Wood drying — (also seasoning lumber or timber seasoning) refers to reducing the moisture content of wood prior to its use. For some purposes wood is not dried at all (it is used green ) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green wood] . Often the wood needs to be in … Wikipedia
Wood Stork — Pond, Tampa Bay, FL … Wikipedia
Wood Gundy — Inc. was a Canadian stock brokerage established in Toronto, Ontario in 1905 by George Herbert Wood and James Henry Gundy. The firm first specialized in the distribution and underwriting of government and municipal bonds. The firm first… … Wikipedia
Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon — Infobox New York COA case Litigants=Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon ArgueDate=November 14 ArgueYear=1917 DecideDate=December 4 DecideYear=1917 FullName=Otis F. Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon Citations=118 N.E. 214; 222 N.Y. 88 Prior=Defendant s… … Wikipedia
Wood screw — Screw Screw (skr[udd]), n. [OE. scrue, OF. escroue, escroe, female screw, F. [ e]crou, L. scrobis a ditch, trench, in LL., the hole made by swine in rooting; cf. D. schroef a screw, G. schraube, Icel. skr[=u]fa.] 1. A cylinder, or a cylindrical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wood screws — Screw Screw (skr[udd]), n. [OE. scrue, OF. escroue, escroe, female screw, F. [ e]crou, L. scrobis a ditch, trench, in LL., the hole made by swine in rooting; cf. D. schroef a screw, G. schraube, Icel. skr[=u]fa.] 1. A cylinder, or a cylindrical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wood shaper — A wood shaper, usually just shaper in North America or spindle moulder in the UK, is a stationary woodworking machine in which a spindle spins at moderately high speeds. Specially shaped bits are mounted on the spindle. As the workpiece is fed… … Wikipedia
Battle of Delville Wood — Part of the Battle of the Somme in the First World War … Wikipedia
Knocking on wood — Knocking on wood, and the spoken expression knock on wood or touch wood are used to express a desire to avoid tempting fate after making some boast or speaking of one s own death.The expression is usually used in the hope that a good thing will… … Wikipedia