holding value

holding value
параметр (ток, напряжение) удержания (реле)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "holding value" в других словарях:

  • Holding value — is an indicator of a theoretical value of the asset that someone has in his portfolio. It is a value which sums the impacts of all the dividends that would be given to players in the future, to help them to estimate a price to buy or sell assets …   Wikipedia

  • Value at risk — (VaR) is a maximum tolerable loss that could occur with a given probability within a given period of time. VaR is a widely applied concept to measure and manage many types of risk, although it is most commonly used to measure and manage the… …   Wikipedia

  • holding — hold·ing 1 n 1: a ruling of a court upon an issue of law raised in a case: the pronouncement of law supported by the reasoning in a court s opinion compare decision, dictum, disposition …   Law dictionary

  • Holding gains — ( losses ) are generally defined as increases ( decreases ) in the replacement costs of the assets held during a given period. Fact|date=February 2007 Holding gains and losses accrue to the owners of assets and liabilities purely as a result of… …   Wikipedia

  • Value of In-Force — is a life insurance term for the present value of the profits that will emerge from a block of life insurance policies over time.The value of in force business is the present value of expected future earnings on in force business less the present …   Wikipedia

  • Holding period return — In finance, holding period return (HPR) is a measurement of return on an asset or portfolio. It is one of the simplest measures of investment performance. HPR is the percentage by which the value of a portfolio (or asset) has grown for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Holding cost — In business management, holding cost is money spent to keep and maintain a stock of goods in storage. The most obvious holding costs include rent for the required space; equipment, materials, and labor to operate the space; insurance; security;… …   Wikipedia

  • Holding — Un ou une[1] holding ou société faîtière est une société ayant pour vocation de regrouper des participations dans diverses sociétés et d en assurer l unité de direction. Au Québec et en Belgique, le terme société de portefeuille est plus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Holding company — A holding company is a company that owns part, all, or a majority of other companies outstanding stock. It usually refers to a company which does not produce goods or services itself, rather its only purpose is owning shares of other companies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Value added tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy …   Wikipedia

  • Value system — A value system is a set of consistent ethic values (more specifically the personal and cultural values) and measures used for the purpose of ethical or ideological integrity. A well defined value system is a moral code. Personal and communal One… …   Wikipedia

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