сокр. от horizontal launch and horizontal landingгоризонтальные старт и посадка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Hu Hesheng — (Chinese: 胡和生, Pinyin: Hú Héshēng) (1928 ), is a renowned female mathematician. She is the former vice president of Chinese Mathematical Society, the former president of Shanghai Mathematical Society, and an academician of Chinese Academy of… … Wikipedia
He Xiantu — (Traditional Chinese: 賀賢土, Simplified Chinese: 贺贤土) (1937 ), is an important theoretical physicist in China. He is the chief scienctist of many Chinese national nuclear research and development programs [ [http://www.chinavitae.com/biography/He… … Wikipedia
Wang Pinxian — was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province on 14 November 1936. [ [http://www.asiaoceania conference.org/Form/Distinguished%20Lectures/CV%20WANG%20Pinxian.pdf CV of WANG Pinxian] ] EducationHe obtained his first degree in geology from Moscow University … Wikipedia
Xu Guangxian — (1920 ) (Chinese: 徐光宪), is a Chinese chemist and academician of Chinese Academy of Science. He is former president of Chinese Chemical Society, and known as The Father of Chinese Rare Earths Chemistry [ [http://bk.baidu.com/view/24216.htm Xu… … Wikipedia
Li Zhijian — (Traditional Chinese: 李志堅, Simplified Chinese: 李志坚), 1928 , is a pioneer of Chinese microelectronics. He is former Chief Director of the Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University; and the current Chairman of the Academic Committee,… … Wikipedia
Yang Fuyu — (Traditional Chinese: 楊福愉, Simplified Chinese: 杨福愉) (1927 ), a Chinese biochemist and biophysicist, is the main founder of biomembrane study in China. Widely regarded as The Father of Chinese Membrane Biology . He is the current chief of the… … Wikipedia
Qiu Fazu — Qiu Fazu, zh. 裘法祖, pinyin: Qiú Fǎzǔ (* December 6 1914 Hangzhou Zhejiang; † June 14 2008 Wuhan Hubei) was a Chinese surgeon and saviour of Jewish prisoners. In the People s Republic of China, he is considered the father of Chinese surgery. Life… … Wikipedia
Jin Guozhang — (Traditional Chinese: 金國章, Simplified Chinese: 金国章), is a Chinese pharmacologist, psychopathologist and educator. He is considered as a pioneer of modernizing traditional Chinese medicine. [ [http://baike.baidu.com/view/238746.html 金国章 百度百科 ] ]… … Wikipedia
Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine — Pavillon Ignace Bourget Présentat … Wikipédia en Français
Ху Хэшэн — 胡和生 Дата рождения: 20 июня 1928(1928 06 20) (84 года) Место рождения: Шанхай, Китайская республика Страна … Википедия