- approach sequence
очерёдность захода на посадку
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
approach sequence — artėjimo tūpti eilė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nustatyta tvarka artėti dviem ar daugiau orlaivių. atitikmenys: angl. approach sequence pranc. séquence d’approche … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
approach sequence — The order in which two or more aircraft are cleared to approach to land at the aerodrome (ICAO). The aircraft are accordingly positioned while on approach or while awaiting approach clearance … Aviation dictionary
approach sequence — The order in which two or more aircraft are cleared for an approach … Military dictionary
séquence d’approche — artėjimo tūpti eilė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nustatyta tvarka artėti dviem ar daugiau orlaivių. atitikmenys: angl. approach sequence pranc. séquence d’approche … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sequence stratigraphy — is a relatively new branch of geology that attempts to link relative sea level changes to sedimentary deposits. The essence of the method is mapping of strata based on identification of surfaces which represent time lines (e.g. subaerial… … Wikipedia
Sequence mining — is concerned with finding statistically relevant patterns between data examples where the values are delivered in a sequence. It is usually presumed that the values are discrete, and thus Time series mining is closely related, but usually… … Wikipedia
Séquence de bouma — La séquence de Bouma est une superposition particulière de sédiments (turbidite), déposées par un courant appelé courant de turbidite . Elle décrit les sédiments de grain intermédiaire, c est à dire ceux qui se situent au niveau du talus d une… … Wikipédia en Français
Sequence motif — In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance. For proteins, a sequence motif is distinguished from a structural motif, a motif formed … Wikipedia
Sequence alignment — In bioinformatics, a sequence alignment is a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between the sequences.[1]… … Wikipedia
Approach lighting system — The approach lighting system of Bremen Airport An approach lighting system, or ALS, is a lighting system installed on the approach end of an airport runway and consisting of a series of lightbars, strobe lights, or a combination of the two that… … Wikipedia
Sequence profiling tool — A sequence profiling tool in bioinformatics is a type of software that presents information related to a genetic sequence, gene name, or keyword input. Such tools generally take a query such as a DNA, RNA, or protein sequence or ‘keyword’ and… … Wikipedia