high-pressure hose

high-pressure hose
шланг или рукав высокого давления

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "high-pressure hose" в других словарях:

  • High pressure hose — Шланг высокого давления …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • pressure hose — ˈpressure hose 8 [pressure hose] noun a long tube that is strong enough for liquid to pass through it at high pressure • a pressure hose for agricultural spraying …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pressure washer — A pressure washer is a mechanical device that uses high pressure water to remove mold, grime, dust, mud and dirt from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles and concrete road surfaces. Equipment can be rented or bought that produces… …   Wikipedia

  • Hose clamp — A hose clamp or hose clip is a device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting such as a barb or nib. A hose clamp is not the same as a pipe clamp which is a clamp made partly out of a pipe, not a clamp for clamping pipe. TypesMany types are …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure regulator — A pressure regulator is a valve that automatically cuts off the flow of a liquid or gas at a certain pressure. Regulators are used to allow high pressure fluid supply lines or tanks to be reduced to safe and/or usable pressures for various… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire hose — A firehose is a high pressure hose used to carry water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it is attached either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can be permanently attached to a building s… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelly hose — A [http://www.clearcreekassociates.com/wordarchive/kellyhose.htm Kelly hose] (also known as a mud hose or rotary hose ) is a flexible, steel reinforced, high pressure hose that connects the standpipe to the kelly (or more specifically to the… …   Wikipedia

  • brake hose — A flexible high pressure hose that is reinforced. It connects between the brake pipes and the brake assembly. It needs to be flexible because of the constant movement of the suspension …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Hard suction hose — (alternatively, suction hose) is a specific type of fire hose used in drafting operations, when a fire engine draws water from a portable water tank, pool, or other static water source. Hard suction hose differs from standard fire hose in several …   Wikipedia

  • Garden hose — A garden hose or hosepipe is a flexible tube used to carry water. There are a number of common attachments available for the end of the hose, such as sprayers and sprinklers (which are used to concentrate water at one point or over a large area) …   Wikipedia

  • Air hose — Air hoses are used in underwater diving (e.g., scuba diving) to carry air from the surface or from air tanks or diving pumps to the diver. Air hoses are therefore a necessary part of standard diving dress and any type of surface supplied diving… …   Wikipedia

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