- high-level language
язык высокого уровня
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
high-level language — ➔ language … Financial and business terms
High Level Language — [dt. »höhere Programmiersprache«], Programmiersprache … Universal-Lexikon
high-level language — noun a problem oriented language requiring little knowledge of the computer on which it will be run • Hypernyms: ↑application oriented language, ↑problem oriented language * * * Computers. a problem oriented programming language, as COBOL,… … Useful english dictionary
high level language — aukštojo lygmens kalba statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. high level language vok. höhere Programmiersprache, f; Hochsprache, f rus. язык высокого уровня, m pranc. langage de haut niveau, m; langage élaborée, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
high-level language — Any machine independent programming language that uses English like syntax in which each statement corresponds to many assembly language instructions. High level languages free programmers from dealing with the underlying machine architecture… … Dictionary of networking
high-level language — A type of computer programming language. High level languages are designed to reflect the needs of the programmer rather than the capabilities of the computer. They use abstract data and control structures, and symbolic names for variables. There … Big dictionary of business and management
High-level language — A language for instructing a computer which is easier to use than the machine level instructions that a computer can interpret directly. See also Assembly, Machine Language and Low level language … International financial encyclopaedia
high-level language — noun A programming language, requiring a compiler to translate into a form a particular machine understands, focusing on user friendly code development by automating core tasks such as accessing memory. See Also: intermediate language, low level… … Wiktionary
high-level language — /ˈhaɪ lɛvəl ˌlæŋgwɪdʒ/ (say huy levuhl .langgwij) noun a language used for writing computer programs which is closer to human language or conventional mathematical notation than to machine language. Compare low level language …
high level language — (Computers) programming language in which instructions are written in a clean language that resembles human language (and is later translated into machine language) … English contemporary dictionary
high-level language — Computers. a problem oriented programming language, as COBOL, FORTRAN, or PL/1, that uses English like statements and symbols to create sequences of computer instructions and identify memory locations, rather than the machine specific individual… … Universalium