hexadecimal representation

hexadecimal representation
шестнадцатиричное представление, запись в шестнадцатиричной системе (счисления)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "hexadecimal representation" в других словарях:

  • Hexadecimal — In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base num|16 , hexa, or hex) is a numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0 ndash;9 to represent values zero to nine, and A , B ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Hexadecimal time — is the representation of the time of day as a hexadecimal number in the interval [0,1). The day is divided in 10 (sixteen) hexadecimal hours, each hour in 100 (two hundred fifty six) hexadecimal minutes and each minute in 10 (sixteen) hexadecimal …   Wikipedia

  • hexadecimal number system — noun a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen • Syn: ↑sexadecimal number system, ↑hexadecimal system • Hypernyms: ↑positional notation, ↑positional representation system …   Useful english dictionary

  • hexadecimal system — noun a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of sixteen • Syn: ↑hexadecimal number system, ↑sexadecimal number system • Hypernyms: ↑positional notation, ↑positional representation system …   Useful english dictionary

  • Représentation du texte en informatique — Codage de caractères Pour l action de cacher le sens de l information, voir chiffrement. Unicode Jeux de caractères UCS (ISO/CEI 10646) ISO 646, ASCII ISO 8859 1 WGL4 UniHan Équivalences normalisées NFC (précomposée) NFD (décomposée) NFKC… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hexadecimal notation — storage of a number or its representation in base 16 (Computers) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Temps hexadecimal — Temps hexadécimal La représentation hexadécimale du temps divise la journée en seize heures hexadécimales par jour. Chaque heure hexadécimale contient 256 minutes hexadécimales et chaque minute hexadécimale 16 secondes hexadécimales. La première… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Board representation (chess) — In computer chess, software developers must choose a data structure to represent chess positions. Several data structures exist, collectively known as board representations. [ [http://www.cis.uab.edu/hyatt/boardrep.html Hyatt full article] ]… …   Wikipedia

  • positional representation system — noun a numeration system in which a real number is represented by an ordered set of characters where the value of a character depends on its position • Syn: ↑positional notation • Hypernyms: ↑numeration system, ↑number system, ↑number… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Temps hexadécimal — La représentation hexadécimale du temps divise la journée en seize heures hexadécimales par jour. Chaque heure hexadécimale contient 256 minutes hexadécimales et chaque minute hexadécimale 16 secondes hexadécimales. La première proposition de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Organizationally unique identifier — An Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) is a 24 bit number that is purchased from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated (IEEE) Registration Authority. This identifier uniquely identifies a vendor, manufacturer,… …   Wikipedia

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