- heteroduplex DNA
гетеродуплексная ДНК
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
heteroduplex DNA — A double stranded stretch of DNA formed by two slightly different strands that are not completely complementary … Dictionary of microbiology
Heteroduplex — A heteroduplex is a double stranded (duplex) molecule of nucleic acid originated through the genetic recombination of single complementary strands derived from different sources, such as from different homologous chromosomes or even from… … Wikipedia
heteroduplex — ˌ noun Etymology: heter + duplex : a nucleic acid molecule (as DNA) composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent molecule • heteroduplex adjective * * * heteroduˈplex adjective (heteroduplex DNA laboratory made double stranded … Useful english dictionary
heteroduplex analysis — The use of the electrophoretic mobility of heteroduplex DNA to estimate the degree of non homology between the sequences of the two strands. Gel mobility tends to be reduced as the amount of sequence divergence increases, because the effective… … Glossary of Biotechnology
Heteroduplex — mit Schleifen. Unter Heteroduplex versteht man ein doppelsträngiges (duplex, lat. doppelt) Nukleinsäuremolekül, das aus Einzelsträngen unterschiedlicher (héteros, griech. der andere) Herkunft zusammengesetzt ist. Zusammengehalten werden die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
DNA-encoded chemical library — DNA encoded chemical libraries (DEL) are a new technology for the synthesis and screening of collections of chemical compounds of unprecedented size and quality. DEL represents an advance in medicinal chemistry which bridges the fields of… … Wikipedia
heteroduplex — DNA in which the two strands are different, either of different heritable origin, formed i n vitro by annealing similar strands with some complementary sequences, or formed of mRNA and the corresponding DNA strand … Dictionary of molecular biology
heteroduplex — A double stranded DNA molecule or DNA RNA hybrid, where each strand is of a different origin. Where the two DNAs differ significantly in sequence, single stranded regions will be revealed when the heteroduplex is observed under the electron… … Glossary of Biotechnology
heteroduplex — 1. A DNA molecule, the two constitutive strands of which derive from distinct sources and hence are likely to be somewhat mismatched. 2. A DNA RNA hybrid. [hetero + L. duplex, two fold] * * * het·ero·du·plex .het ə rō d(y)ü .pleks n a nucleic… … Medical dictionary
heteroduplex — noun Date: 1962 a nucleic acid molecule (as DNA) composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent molecule • heteroduplex adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
heteroduplex — (hybrid) DNA Generated by base pairing between complementary single strands derived from the different parental duplex molecules; it occurs during genetic recombination … Forensic science glossary