- hemp rope
пеньковый канат
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Hemp — This article is about industrial hemp. For its psychoactive variant, see Cannabis (drug). For the biology of the plant, see Cannabis. For other uses, see Hemp (disambiguation). The variety of appearances for cannabis. Only C. sativa (left) is… … Wikipedia
rope — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. cord, line; hawser, painter, lanyard; lasso, riata; hangman s noose, execution; string, twist. See filament. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. cord, cordage, braiding, string, thread, strand, line, tape, lace,… … English dictionary for students
Rope Jousting — is a sporting competition between two jousters, that resembles a Tug of war. In this event, two Cinder blocks are placed a distance apart. The two jousters stand upon the blocks with a rope stretched between them. The objective for each jouster… … Wikipedia
hemp — [hemp] n. [ME < OE hænep (akin to Ger hanf, Du hennep) < PGmc * hanapa < * kanab , a pre Gmc borrowing < a (? Scythian) base > Gr kannabis: akin ? to Sumerian kunibu, hemp] 1. a) a tall Asiatic herb (Cannabis sativa) of the hemp… … English World dictionary
rope — ► NOUN 1) a length of stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, nylon, etc. 2) a quantity of roughly spherical objects strung together: a rope of pearls. 3) (the ropes) the ropes enclosing a boxing or wrestling ring. 4) (the… … English terms dictionary
Rope (rhythmic gymnastics) — may be made of hemp or a synthetic material which retains the qualities of lightness and suppleness. Its length is in proportion to the size of the gymnast. The rope should, when held down by the feet, reach both of the gymnasts armpits. One or… … Wikipedia
hemp — [ hemp ] noun uncount a plant with strong stems used for making rope. The drug MARIJUANA is made from some types of hemp … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hemp — n. type of plant native to Asia; fiber from the hemp plant (used to make rope or twine); hashish, marijuana, narcotic substance from the hemp plant … English contemporary dictionary
hemp — [hemp] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: hAnep] a type of plant that is used to make rope and sometimes to produce the drug ↑cannabis … Dictionary of contemporary English
hemp — ► NOUN 1) (also Indian hemp) the cannabis plant. 2) the fibre of this plant, extracted from the stem and used to make rope, strong fabrics, paper, etc. 3) the drug cannabis. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
hemp — [hemp] noun [U] a plant that is used for making rope. It is also used for making the drug CANNABIS … Dictionary for writing and speaking English