- Heaviside layer
слой E (ионосферы)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Heaviside layer — [hev′ē sīd΄] n. 〚after O. Heaviside (1850 1925), Eng physicist〛 E LAYER * * * … Universalium
Heaviside layer — [hev′ē sīd΄] n. [after O. Heaviside (1850 1925), Eng physicist] E LAYER … English World dictionary
Heaviside layer — A layer of ionized particles that surrounds the earth. The layer, also called the E layer, has ionization of around 106 free electrons. The layer is found at a height of around 60 to 90 miles (100 150 km), but its height varies according to the… … Aviation dictionary
Heaviside layer — /ˈhɛvisaɪd leɪə/ (say heveesuyd layuh) noun the lower region, or regions, of the ionosphere chiefly responsible for the reflection of radio waves of certain frequencies, thus making long distance radio communication possible. Also, E layer,… …
Heaviside layer — Hevisaido sluoksnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Heaviside layer vok. Heaviside Schicht, f rus. слой Хевисайда, m pranc. couche d’Heaviside, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Heaviside layer — (also Heaviside–Kennelly layer) noun another name for E layer. Origin early 20th cent.: named after the English physicist Oliver Heaviside and the American engineer Arthur E. Kennelly … English new terms dictionary
Heaviside layer — n. (in full Heaviside Kennelly layer) = E LAYER. Etymology: O. Heaviside, Engl. physicist d. 1925, and A. E. Kennelly, US physicist d. 1939 … Useful english dictionary
Heaviside layer. — See E layer. [1910 15; named after O. HEAVISIDE] * * * … Universalium
Heaviside layer. — See E layer. [1910 15; named after O. HEAVISIDE] … Useful english dictionary
Heaviside layer — noun Etymology: Oliver Heaviside Date: 1912 ionosphere … New Collegiate Dictionary
Kennelly-Heaviside layer — The Kennelly Heaviside layer, also known as the E region or simply the Heaviside layer, is a layer of ionised gas occurring at 90 ndash;150 km above the ground mdash; one of several layers in the Earth s ionosphere. It reflects medium frequency… … Wikipedia