heating wall

heating wall
обогревательный простенок (печи)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "heating wall" в других словарях:

  • wall off — ˌwall ˈoff [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they wall off he/she/it walls off present participle walling off past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • heating — I Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct… …   Universalium

  • wall — wall1 [ wɔl ] noun count *** ▸ 1 upright side of room ▸ 2 strong upright structure ▸ 3 emotions/behavior ▸ 4 large amounts of things ▸ 5 outer layer of body part ▸ 6 side of something hollow ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) an upright side of a room inside a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wall off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms wall off : present tense I/you/we/they wall off he/she/it walls off present participle walling off past tense walled off past participle walled off to separate a small space from a larger one by building a… …   English dictionary

  • panel heating — heating of a room or building by means of wall, ceiling, floor, or baseboard panels containing heating pipes or electrical conductors. [1925 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • Underfloor heating — Heat can be provided by circulating heated water or by electric cable, mesh, or film heaters.Underfloor heating can be used with concrete and wooden floors, with all types of floor covering (e.g., stone, tile, wood, vinyl, and carpet), and at… …   Wikipedia

  • Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… …   Wikipedia

  • Radiant heating — is a technology utilized for the heating of both indoor and outdoor areas. Radiant heating consists of radiant energy being emitted from a heat source.Radiant heating heats a building through radiant heat, rather than other conventional methods… …   Wikipedia

  • panel heating — noun heating system consisting of wall or floor or baseboard or ceiling panels containing electric conductors or heating pipes • Hypernyms: ↑heating system, ↑heating plant, ↑heating, ↑heat * * * noun : space heating by means of wall, floor,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Central heating — unit A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building (or portion of a building) from one point to multiple rooms. When combined with other systems in order to control the building climate, the whole system may be a… …   Wikipedia

  • Space heating — is the heating of a space, usually enclosed, such as a house or room. A space heater keeps the air and surroundings at a comfortable temperature for people or animals, or even plants in a greenhouse. Space heating generally warms a small space,… …   Wikipedia

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