heating thermostat

heating thermostat
термореле системы подогрева

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "heating thermostat" в других словарях:

  • Heating — may refer to: *HVAC: Heating, ventilation and air conditioningHeating devices, or systems: *Block heater, or headbolt heater, an electric heater that heats the engine of a car to ease starting in cold weather *Boiler *Cathode heater, a coil or… …   Wikipedia

  • thermostat — [thʉr′mə stat΄] n. [ THERMO + STAT] 1. an apparatus for regulating temperature, esp. one that automatically controls a heating or cooling unit 2. a device that sets off equipment at a certain temperature, as a fire alarm system thermostatic adj.… …   English World dictionary

  • Thermostat — This article is about the temperature regulating device. For the French cooking oven temperature scale, see Gas Mark#Other cooking temperature scales. Honeywell s iconic The Round model T87 thermostat, one of which is in the Smithsonian …   Wikipedia

  • heating — I Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct… …   Universalium

  • Thermostat — A device that monitors temperature and automatically maintains it at certain levels. In a human, a tiny part of the brain called the hypothalamus, located behind the eyes, serves as the thermostat. It can warm the body by causing it to shiver and …   Medical dictionary

  • thermostat — thermostatic, adj. thermostatically, adv. /therr meuh stat /, n., v., thermostatted or thermostated; thermostatting or thermostating. n. 1. a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and… …   Universalium

  • Heating element — A heating element converts electricity into heat through the process of Joule heating. Electric current through the element encounters resistance, resulting in heating of the element. Most heating elements use Nichrome 80/20 (80% nickel, 20%… …   Wikipedia

  • thermostat — [1] A temperature sensitive device used in the cooling system of an engine to control the flow of coolant between the cylinder blockradiator. It is set into the engine block and shuts off the circulation of water until the temperature of the… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • thermostat — I. noun Date: 1831 an automatic device for regulating temperature (as by controlling the supply of gas or electricity to a heating apparatus); also a similar device for actuating fire alarms or for controlling automatic sprinklers • thermostatic… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • thermostat — [[t]θɜ͟ː(r)məstæt[/t]] thermostats N COUNT A thermostat is a device that switches a system or motor on or off according to the temperature. Thermostats are used, for example, in central heating systems and fridges …   English dictionary

  • Thermostat —   A device used to control temperatures; used to control the operation of heating and cooling devices by turning the device on or off when a specified temperature is reached.   ***   A device that adjusts the amount of heating and cooling… …   Energy terms

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