heating degree-day
Смотреть что такое "heating degree-day" в других словарях:
Heating degree day — United States Heating Degree Day map, 1961 1990 … Wikipedia
heating degree day (HDD) — A day in which the average daily temperature is less than 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and therefore likely to be a day in which people turn on their heat. A heating degree day is assigned a value that represents the number of degrees that days average … Financial and business terms
heating degree-day — a degree day below the standard temperature of 65°F or 19°C, used in estimating fuel consumption. Cf. cooling degree day, growing degree day. * * * … Universalium
heating degree-day — a degree day below the standard temperature of 65°F or 19°C, used in estimating fuel consumption. Cf. cooling degree day, growing degree day … Useful english dictionary
heating degree day — (HDD) see degree day … Dictionary of units of measurement
Heating Degree Day(s) — (HDD) The number of degrees per day that the daily average temperature (the mean of the maximum and minimum recorded temperatures) is below a base temperature, usually 65 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise specified; used to determine indoor… … Energy terms
Heating degree day — A unit that measure the space heating needs during a given period of time. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms … Energy terms
Heating Degree Day - HDD — The number of degrees that a day s average temperature is below 65o Fahrenheit (18o Celsius), the temperature below which buildings need to be heated. The price of weather derivatives traded in the winter is based on an index made up of monthly… … Investment dictionary
Degree day — A degree day is a measure of heating or cooling. Totalized degree days from an appropriate starting date are used to plan the planting of crops and management of pests and pest control timing. Weekly or monthly degree day figures may also be used … Wikipedia
Degree Day — A unit for measuring the extent that the outdoor daily average temperature (the mean of the maximum and minimum daily dry bulb temperatures) falls below (in the case of heating, see Heating Degree Day), or falls above (in the case of cooling,… … Energy terms
Heating Degree Days — (HDD) A measure of how cold a location is over a period of time relative to a base temperature, most commonly specified as 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The measure is computed for each day by subtracting the average of the day s high and low… … Energy terms