
1) нагревательное устройство, нагреватель; нагревательный прибор; подогреватель
2) отопительный агрегат; отопительный прибор; обогреватель
3) радиатор
4) электронагреватель
5) печь
6) первый подручный сталевара
7) нагревательная установка (для борьбы с гидратообразованием в скважинах)
air heater
air intake heater
aircraft heater
air-fired unit heater
air-vent unit heater
asphalt heater
backup heater
billet heater
blow-through unit heater
bottom-hole heater
built-in heater
built-in storage solar water heater
Butterworth heater
cab heater
cab windshield heater
cartridge heater
cathode heater
center wall updraft heater
circulation heater
closed steam heater
closed heater
coal heater
coil heater
coil-type heater
coke-oven heater
coking heater
convection heater
convector heater
coreless-type induction heater
counterflow air heater
craking heater
cycle heater
diesel fuel heater
direct-contact heater
direct-fired heater
domestic hot-water heater
domestic induction heater
door heater
double-end heater
draw-through unit heater
electric water heater
electrical heater
electric heater
electric-panel heater
electronic heater
electron-tube heater
engine heater
exhaust feed heater
feedwater heater
filament heater
fired floor tube heater
fired roof tube heater
flat-plate solar water heater
floor-type heater
floor-type unit heater
forced convection heater
forced-circulation solar water heater
fuel heater
gas fired heater
gas heater
gas water heater
gas-fired unit heater
gasoline combustion heater
heat-transfer-medium heater
high-frequency heater
high-temperature regenerative air heater
high-temperature tubular air heater
horizontal air heater
hot-air heater
hysteresis heater
immersion heater
indirect-fired heater
induced-flow heater
induction heater
infrared heater
jacket water heater
line heater
loop heater
low-frequency heater
mine air heater
multicell heater
multipass heater
multiple-pass solar air heater
multistream heater
nodew window heater
oil heater
open heater
parallel air heater
pebble heater
pipe heater
pipeline heater
plasma heater
plate-type air heater
pot heater
pressurizer heater
production testing heater
proportional heater
radiant heater
radiant tube heater
radiation heater
rail heater
raw-juice heater
recessed wall heater
recuperative air heater
recuperative heater
regenerative air heater
regenerative heater
regulator heater
resistance heater
ring heater
rod-type heater
rotary air heater
self-contained heater
shallow solar pond water heater
single-pass heater
solar air heater
solar collector-storage water heater
solar heater
space heater
split flow heater
steam air heater
steam heater
steam unit heater
steam-water unit heater
storage heater
strip heater
submerged combustor heater
subpump-mounted electric heater
suspended type unit heater
switch heater
tapped heater
thermosiphon circulation solar water heater
thermostatically controlled heater
through-flow heater
tire heater
top heater
trace heater
traveling heater
tube heater
tube still heater
tubular air heater
tubular heater
tungsten-rod heater
two-cell heater
two-glass-cover solar air heater
two-pass solar air heater
unit heater
vertical air heater
vulcanizing heater
warm-air heater
waste heater
water heater
wave heater

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "heater" в других словарях:

  • Heater — Heat er (h[=e]t [ e]r), n. 1. One who, or that which, heats. [1913 Webster] 2. Any contrivance or implement, as a furnace, stove, or other heated body or vessel, etc., used to impart heat to something, or to contain something to be heated. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • heater — c.1500, of persons, agent noun from HEAT (Cf. heat). Of devices, from 1660s. Baseball slang meaning “fastball” is attested by 1985 …   Etymology dictionary

  • heater — ► NOUN 1) a device for heating something. 2) N. Amer. informal, dated a gun …   English terms dictionary

  • heater — [hēt′ər] n. 1. an apparatus for heating or warming a room, car, water, etc.; stove, furnace, radiator, etc. 2. a person whose work is to heat something 3. in an electron tube, an element set inside the cathode and heated by an electric current so …   English World dictionary

  • Heater — A heater is any object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are commonly used to generate heating (ie. warmth).Types of heaters*Block heater *Cathy heater *Central… …   Wikipedia

  • heater — Synonyms and related words: Bunsen burner, Dutch oven, automatic, bedpan, bloom heater, blowgun, blowpipe, brazier, brick oven, burner, calefactory, caliduct, car heater, cooker, cookery, defroster, dielectric heater, dielectric preheater,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • heater — A device which gives off heat. In automobiles, it heats the interior of the vehicle. In a water cooled engine the coolant is channelled through the heater in the passenger compartment. Some cars used an electric or gasoline heater because they… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • heater — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. radiator, auto heater, oil heater, gas heater, electric heater; see furnace …   English dictionary for students

  • heater — n radiator, steam heater, electric heater, gas heater, infrared heater; furnace, incinerator, forge, fireplace; stove, range, oven, kiln, microwave oven, toaster oven, toaster, hot plate, cooker; brazier, foot warmer, hot water bottle, heating… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • heater — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ convector (BrE), fan (esp. BrE), storage (BrE) ▪ portable ▪ electric, gas, kerosene (esp. AmE) …   Collocations dictionary

  • heater */ — UK [ˈhiːtə(r)] / US [ˈhɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms heater : singular heater plural heaters a piece of equipment used for making a place warm or for heating water a water heater …   English dictionary

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