- heated digestion tank
обогреваемый септик(тенк)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Anaerobic digestion — and regenerative thermal oxidiser component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany, 2007 … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Fernald Feed Materials Production Center — The Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (commonly referred to simply as Fernald) was a uranium processing facility located near the rural town of Fernald, in Hamilton County, Ohio, about 20 miles northwest of Cincinnati, which fabricated… … Wikipedia
papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper. paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… … Universalium
sewage system — Collection of pipes and mains, treatment works, and discharge lines (sewers) for the wastewater of a community. Early civilizations often built drainage systems in urban areas to handle storm runoff. The Romans constructed elaborate systems that… … Universalium
Solar thermal energy — Solar thermal system for water heating in Santorini, Greece … Wikipedia
Sewage sludge treatment — described the processes used to manage and dispose of the sludges produced during sewage treatment.ources of sludgeCoarse primary solids and secondary biosolids accumulated in a wastewater treatment process must be treated and disposed of in a… … Wikipedia
Biogas — Swamp gas redirects here. For the obsolete theory of emanations from swamps causing disease, see Miasma theory of disease. Pipes carrying biogas (foreground), natural gas and condensate … Wikipedia
Solar combisystem — Sustainable energy Renewable energy … Wikipedia
Anaerobic lagoon — or Manure Lagoon is a man made outdoor earthen basin filled with excrement. Lagoons are part of a system designed to manage and treat waste created by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). Anaerobic lagoons are created from a manure… … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium