heat conductor

heat conductor
проводник тепла

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "heat conductor" в других словарях:

  • heat conductor — šilumos laidininkas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. heat conductor; thermal conductor vok. Wärmeleiter, m rus. проводник теплоты, m pranc. conducteur de chaleur, m; conducteur thermique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Heat conductor — Теплопроводник …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Heat pipe — A heat pipe is a heat transfer mechanism that can transport large quantities of heat with a very small difference in temperature between the hotter and colder interfaces. Inside a heat pipe, at the hot interface a fluid turns to vapour and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Conductor — or conduction may refer to: In science: Electrical conductor, a material allowing the flow of electric current Electrical conduction, the movement of charged particles through an electrical conductor Fast ion conductor, a solid state electrical… …   Wikipedia

  • Conductor — Con*duct or (k[o^]n*d[u^]k t[ e]r), n. [LL., a carrier, transporter, L., a lessee.] 1. One who, or that which, conducts; a leader; a commander; a guide; a manager; a director. [1913 Webster] Zeal, the blind conductor of the will. Dryden. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conductor — 1520s, one who leads or guides, from M.Fr. conductour (14c., O.Fr. conduitor), from L. conductor one who hires, contractor, in L.L. a carrier, from conductus, pp. of conducere (see CONDUCE (Cf. conduce)). Earlier in same sense was conduitour… …   Etymology dictionary

  • conductor — ► NOUN 1) a person who conducts an orchestra or choir. 2) a material or device that conducts heat or electricity. 3) a person who collects fares on a bus. 4) N. Amer. a guard on a train. DERIVATIVES conductorship noun conductress noun …   English terms dictionary

  • conductor — [kən duk′tər] n. 1. a person who conducts; leader; guide; manager 2. the director of an orchestra, choir, etc. ☆ 3. the person who has charge of the passengers and collects fares on a train, streetcar, or bus 4. a substance or thing that conducts …   English World dictionary

  • Heat sink — A heat sink (or heatsink) is an environment or object that absorbs and dissipates heat from another object using thermal contact (either direct or radiant). Heat sinks are used in a wide range of applications wherever efficient heat dissipation… …   Wikipedia

  • Heat (soundtrack) — Infobox Album | Artist = Elliot Goldenthal Name = Heat Type = Soundtrack Released = December 19th, 1995 Genre = Classical Avante garde Modernist Jazz fusion Progressive Electronica Progressive rock Length = 68:62 Label = Warner Bros. 9 46144 2… …   Wikipedia

  • heat sink — noun a metal conductor specially designed to conduct (and radiate) heat (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑conductor, ↑sink * * * noun : a substance or device for the absorption or dissipation of unwanted heat (as from a process or an electronic device) * * …   Useful english dictionary

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