Смотреть что такое "headway" в других словарях:
headway — UK US /ˈhedweɪ/ noun [U] ● make headway Cf. make headway … Financial and business terms
Headway — Head way ( w[^u]rk ), n. 1. The progress made by a ship in motion; hence, progress or success of any kind. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) Clear space under an arch, girder, and the like, sufficient to allow of easy passing underneath; clearance;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
headway — I noun advance, ascent, betterment, climb, development, forward motion, furtherance, gain, ground gained, growth, improvement, momentum, progress, progression, promotion, upswing II index advance (progression), margin (spare amount), progress … Law dictionary
headway — c.1300, main road, highway, from O.E. heafodweg (see HEAD (Cf. head) (adj.) + WAY (Cf. way)). Sense of motion forward first attested 1748, short for ahead way; ultimately nautical (Cf. leeway) … Etymology dictionary
headway — pace, *speed, velocity, momentum, impetus Analogous words: advance, progress (see under ADVANCE vb): *motion, movement … New Dictionary of Synonyms
headway — [n] progress advance, advancement, anabasis, ground, improvement, increase, march, proficiency, progression, promotion, way; concepts 230,704 Ant. block, hindrance, stoppage … New thesaurus
headway — ► NOUN ▪ forward movement or progress … English terms dictionary
headway — [hed′wā΄] n. 1. forward motion 2. progress or success in work, etc. 3. HEADROOM ☆ 4. the difference in time or distance between two trains, ships, etc. traveling in the same direction over the same course … English World dictionary
Headway — The headway between vehicles in public transit systems is the time between two vehicles passing the same point traveling in the same direction on a given route. This term is most frequently applied to rail transport, where the number of tracks is … Wikipedia
headway — headway1 /hed way /, n. 1. forward movement; progress in a forward direction: The ship s headway was slowed by the storm. 2. progress in general: headway in a career. 3. rate of progress: a slight headway against concerted opposition. 4. the time … Universalium
headway — head|way [ˈhedweı] n make headway a) to make progress towards achieving something used especially when this is difficult make headway towards/in/with etc ▪ Foreign firms have made little headway in the U.S. market. b) to move forwards used… … Dictionary of contemporary English