hatch cover

hatch cover
крышка люка; мор. люковое закрытие

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "hatch cover" в других словарях:

  • Hatch — Hatch, n. [OE. hacche, AS. h[ae]c, cf. haca the bar of a door, D. hek gate, Sw. h[ a]ck coop, rack, Dan. hekke manger, rack. Prob. akin to E. hook, and first used of something made of pieces fastened together. Cf. {Heck}, {Hack} a frame.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hatch — hatch1 hatchable, adj. hatchability, n. hatcher, n. /hach/, v.t. 1. to bring forth (young) from the egg. 2. to cause young to emerge from (the egg) as by brooding or incubating. 3. to bring forth or produce; devise; create …   Universalium

  • hatch — I [[t]hætʃ[/t]] v. t. 1) dvl to cause young to emerge from (the egg), as by brooding or incubating 2) to bring forth or produce; devise; plot 3) dvl to be hatched 4) to brood 5) dvl the act of hatching 6) something that is hatched, as a brood •… …   From formal English to slang

  • hatch — I. /hætʃ / (say hach) verb (t) 1. to bring forth (young) from the egg. 2. to cause young to emerge from (the egg). 3. to contrive; devise; concoct: to hatch a plot. –verb (i) 4. to be hatched. –noun 5. the act of hatching. 6. that which is… …  

  • cover — Synonyms and related words: American plan, European plan, Smyth sewing, a la carte, abri, account for, accouple, accumulate, act, admit, afghan, agglutinate, air cover, air raid, air support, air raid shelter, alibi, altar carpet, altar cloth,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hatch — I v 1. bring forth, brood, incubate, sit, set, cover. 2. pip, come forth, break out, emerge. 3. devise, concoct, contrive, plan, scheme; coin, Inf. cook up, design; create, produce, conceive, dream up, imagine; invent, cast, forge, spin; develop …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • hatch — Synonyms and related words: French door, angle, archway, autolithograph, back door, barway, be a printmaker, be born, be gravid, be illegitimate, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, beget, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, brand,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hatch — 1. n. 1 an opening between two rooms, e.g. between a kitchen and a dining room for serving food. 2 an opening or door in an aircraft, spacecraft, etc. 3 Naut. a = HATCHWAY. b a trapdoor or cover for this (often in pl.: batten the hatches). 4 a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hatch beam — noun : a heavy portable beam across a large hatch to support the cover …   Useful english dictionary

  • booby hatch — 1. Naut. a. a small hatch giving access to a ladder from the weather deck of a vessel to the interior of the hull. b. a small companion secured over a deck opening. c. a hoodlike hatch cover having a sliding top. 2. Slang. a. an insane asylum. b …   Universalium

  • Booby hatch — Hatch Hatch, n. [OE. hacche, AS. h[ae]c, cf. haca the bar of a door, D. hek gate, Sw. h[ a]ck coop, rack, Dan. hekke manger, rack. Prob. akin to E. hook, and first used of something made of pieces fastened together. Cf. {Heck}, {Hack} a frame.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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