- harmonic curve
гармоническая кривая
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
harmonic curve — harmoninė kreivė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. harmonic curve vok. harmonische Kurve, f rus. гармоническая кривая, f pranc. courbe harmonique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
harmonic wave — noun (physics) A wave whose profile is a sine curve • • • Main Entry: ↑harmony … Useful english dictionary
Harmonic series (mathematics) — In mathematics, the harmonic series is the divergent infinite series: Its name derives from the concept of overtones, or harmonics in music: the wavelengths of the overtones of a vibrating string are 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc., of the string s… … Wikipedia
Harmonic map — A (smooth) map φ: M → N between Riemannian manifolds M and N is called harmonic if it is a critical point of the energy functional E (φ).This functional E will be defined precisely below mdash;one way of understanding it is to imagine that M is… … Wikipedia
Harmonic function — In mathematics, mathematical physics and the theory of stochastic processes, a harmonic function is a twice continuously differentiable function f : U rarr; R (where U is an open subset of R n ) which satisfies Laplace s equation,… … Wikipedia
harmonic analysis — Math. 1. the calculation of Fourier series and their generalization. 2. the study of Fourier series and their generalization. Also called Fourier analysis. [1865 70] * * * ▪ mathematics mathematical procedure for describing and analyzing… … Universalium
Projective harmonic conjugates — is defined by the following harmonic construction::“Given three collinear points A, B, C, let L be a point not lying on their join and let any line through C met LA, LB at M, N respectively. If AN and BM met at K , and LK meets AB at D , then D… … Wikipedia
Lissajous curve — In mathematics, a Lissajous curve (Lissajous figure or Bowditch curve) is the graph of the system of parametric equations:x=Asin(at+delta),quad y=Bsin(bt),which describes complex harmonic motion. This family of curves was investigated by… … Wikipedia
Complex harmonic motion — occurs when a number of simple harmonic motions are combined. Chords in music are an example of this phenomenon. Any continuous periodic function can be represented as a complex harmonic motion using its fourier series. See also Cymatics… … Wikipedia
Decline Curve — A method for estimating reserves and predicting production in oil reservoirs and oil fields. The decline curve shows how oil and gas production rates decrease over time. Most decline curves are based on exponential, hyperbolic or harmonic Arps… … Investment dictionary
List of national instruments (music) — National instruments redirects here. For the company, see National Instruments. This list contains musical instruments of symbolic or cultural importance within a nation, state, ethnicity, tribe or other group of people. In some cases, national… … Wikipedia