- harmonic component
синусоидальная (гармоническая) составляющая, гармоника
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
harmonic component — harmoninė dedamoji statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. harmonic component vok. harmonische Komponente, f rus. гармоническая составляющая, f pranc. composante harmonique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
harmonic component — harmoninis sandas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. harmonic component vok. harmonische Komponente, f rus. гармоническая составляющая, f pranc. composante harmonique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
harmonic — [hα: mɒnɪk] adjective 1》 relating to or characterized by harmony: a four chord harmonic sequence. 2》 Music relating to or denoting a harmonic or harmonics. 3》 Mathematics relating to a harmonic progression. ↘Physics of or denoting components… … English new terms dictionary
Harmonic voltage (current) component (harmonious component of voltage (current) — 46 Источник: ГОСТ Р 54130 2010: Качество электрической энергии. Термины и определения оригинал документа … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
harmonic — [här män′ik] adj. [L harmonicus < Gr harmonikos < harmonia, HARMONY] 1. harmonious in feeling or effect; agreeing 2. Math. designating or of a harmonic progression 3. Music a) of or pertaining to harmony rather than to melody or rhythm b) … English World dictionary
Harmonic — This article is about the components of periodic signals. For other uses, see Harmonic (disambiguation). The nodes of a vibrating string are harmonics. A harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that is an integer multiple of the … Wikipedia
Harmonic generation — Perturbative Harmonic Generation Perturbative Harmonic Generation is a process where by laser lightof frequency ω and photon energy ħω can be usedto generate new frequencies of light. The newly generatedfrequencies are integer multiples of the… … Wikipedia
Harmonic drive — A harmonic drive is an input/output gearing mechanism. It is typically used for gearing reduction, but may also be used to increase rotational speed or for differential gearing. Very high gear reduction ratios are possible in a small volume… … Wikipedia
Harmonic Drive — ▪ machine component mechanical speed changing device, invented in the 1950s, that operates on a different principle from, and has capabilities beyond the scope of, conventional speed changers. It consists of a thin ring that deflects… … Universalium
harmonic — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or characterized by harmony; harmonious. 2 Mus. a of or relating to harmony. b (of a tone) produced by vibration of a string etc. in an exact fraction of its length. 3 Math. of or relating to quantities whose reciprocals are… … Useful english dictionary
harmonic — I. adjective Date: 1570 1. musical 2. of or relating to musical harmony or a harmonic 3. pleasing to the ear ; harmonious 4. of an integrated nature ; congruous • harmonically adverb II … New Collegiate Dictionary