
1) управление; оперирование (чем-л.); манипулирование
2) перемещение
3) погрузочно-разгрузочные операции
4) транспортировка
5) обработка
6) обращение (с чем-л.)
7) электрон. вчт. сортировка
8) вчт. реакция на особую ситуацию, обработка особой ситуации
9) оформление (воздушных перевозок)
10) швейн. ручная обработка (деталей)
aircargo handling
ash handling
automated parts handling
automatic handling
batch handling
beam handling
bulk handling
converter additions handling
data handling
dry ash handling
dust handling
earth handling
fault handling
flue-dust handling
form handling
freight handling
gate handling
green handling
handling of calls
handling of traffic
human handling
hydraulic ash handling
information handling
ingot handling
lids handling
manual handling
material handling
pallet handling
palletless handling
radioactive waste handling
remote handling
robot handling
robotruck materials handling
safe handling
scrap handling
semiremote handling
slag handling
slice handling
standard handling
tape handling
train handling
wafer handling

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "handling" в других словарях:

  • handling — hand‧ling [ˈhændlɪŋ] noun [uncountable] 1. the way in which a problem, situation, or person is dealt with: • He is charged with securities fraud in the handling of his clients accounts. • Inept handling of sackings is bad not just for those… …   Financial and business terms

  • handling — HÁNDLING s.n. Complex de servicii pentru a satisface asistenţa avioanelor şi a pasagerilor în timpul staţionării pe aeroporturi. [< engl., fr. handling, cf. engl. handle – a trata, a îngriji]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 20.04.2005. Sursa: DN … …   Dicționar Român

  • Handling — Han dling (h[a^]n dl[i^]ng), n. [AS. handlung.] 1. A touching, controlling, managing, using, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands. See {Handle}, v. t. [1913 Webster] The heavens and your fair handling Have made you master of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • handling — index administration, agency (legal relationship), course, management (judicious use), operation, process (course) …   Law dictionary

  • handling — (ingl.; pronunc. [jándlin]) m. Conjunto de servicios que se prestan a una compañía aérea en un aeropuerto, como la asistencia en tierra a aviones, pasajeros y mercancías …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Handling — Handling,das:⇨Handhabung(1) …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • handling — (n.) O.E. handlung action of touching or feeling, from handlian (see HANDLE (Cf. handle) (v.)). Meaning way in which something handles (especially a motor vehicle) is from 1962 …   Etymology dictionary

  • handling — [n] management administration, approach, care, charge, conduct, direction, manipulation, running, styling, superintendence, supervision, treatment; concept 117 Ant. mismanagement …   New thesaurus

  • handling — han|dling [ hændlıŋ ] noun uncount * 1. ) the way someone deals with a particular situation, problem, or person: Depression often responds to suitable treatment and sympathetic handling. handling of: The administration was criticized for its… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • handling */ — UK [ˈhændlɪŋ] / US noun [uncountable] 1) the way in which someone deals with a particular situation, problem, or person Depression often responds to suitable treatment and sympathetic handling. handling of: The government was criticized for its… …   English dictionary

  • handling — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ careful, delicate, gentle ▪ Timid children need gentle handling to build up their confidence. ▪ careless, clumsy, rough ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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