hand starter

hand starter
ручной пускатель, пускатель с ручным управлением

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "hand starter" в других словарях:

  • hand-cranked inertia starter — A starter for a large aircraft reciprocating engine. The hand crank drives a flywheel, which spins at a high speed. Once sufficient flywheel inertia is built up, the hand crank is disconnected and the flywheel is coupled to the engine crankshaft… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Starter — Anlasser * * * Star|ter 〈m. 3〉 1. jmd., der zum Rennbeginn das Startzeichen gibt 2. 〈Kochk.〉 Vorspeise, erster Gang eines Menüs 3. 〈veraltet〉 Anlasser (an Kraftfahrzeugen) * * * Stạr|ter: svw. ↑ Initiator. * * * Stạr|ter, der; s, [engl. starter …   Universal-Lexikon

  • starter — Self starter Self start er, n. A mechanism (usually one operated by electricity, compressed air, a spring, or an explosive gas), attached to an internal combustion engine, as on an automobile, and used as a means of starting the engine without… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • starter — /stahr teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that starts. 2. a person who gives the signal to begin, as for a race, the running of a train, bus, elevator, etc. 3. a device that starts an internal combustion engine without a need for cranking by hand. 4 …   Universalium

  • starter — start•er [[t]ˈstɑr tər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that starts 2) a person who gives the signal to begin, as for a race or the running of a train, elevator, etc 3) aum a device that starts an internal combustion engine without a need for… …   From formal English to slang

  • hand tool — noun a tool used with workers hands (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑tool • Hyponyms: ↑awl, ↑bevel, ↑bevel square, ↑bodkin, ↑threader, ↑crank, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Automobile self starter — An automobile self starter (commonly starter motor or simply starter ) is an electric motor that initiates rotational motion in a car s internal combustion engine before it can power itself. History Both Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal… …   Wikipedia

  • Coffman engine starter — The Coffman engine starter (also known as a shotgun starter ) was a starting system used on many piston engines in aircraft and armored vehicles of the 1930s and 1940s. The Coffman system was one of the most common brands; another was the Breeze… …   Wikipedia

  • Hucks starter — NOTOC Infobox Aviation name=Hucks Starter caption=The Shuttleworth Collection s working Hucks Starter positioned with their Bristol F.2 FighterA Hucks starter is an auxiliary power unit, almost always a motortruck, that provides initial power to… …   Wikipedia

  • Typ 91 Hand Arrow — Allgemeine Angaben Typ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • inertia starter — noun : an internal combustion engine starter that utilizes the energy of a spinning flywheel set in motion by means of a hand crank or electric motor * * * inertia starter, a device for starting an aircraft engine, consisting of a small flywheel… …   Useful english dictionary

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