hand lettering

hand lettering
надпись от руки

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "hand lettering" в других словарях:

  • Hand lettering — Подпись, надпись от руки …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Hand lettering machine — Установка для ручного (фото)наборафотонабора¦набора …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Lettering — Als Lettering (von engl. letter: Buchstabe) wird die Beschriftung von Sprechblasen in Comics bezeichnet. Die das Lettering gestaltende Person nennt man Letterer, ihre Tätigkeit bezeichnet man mit dem Verb lettern, das im Buchwesen auch als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lettering — Synonyms and related words: Italian hand, Spencerian writing, block letter, bold hand, book hand, chancery hand, copperplate hand, coup de plume, cryptography, cursive, cursive hand, engrossment, epigraph, initialing, ink spilling, inkslinging,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • The Tremulous Hand of Worcester — is the title given to a 13th century glossator of Old English manuscripts with handwriting characterized by large, shaky, leftward leaning figures usually written in light brown ink. He is assumed to have worked in Worcester because all… …   Wikipedia

  • Round hand — (also roundhand) is a type of handwriting and calligraphy originating in England in the 1660s primarily be the writing masters John Ayers and William Banson. Characterized by an open flowing hand and subtle contrast of thick and thin strokes… …   Wikipedia

  • CALLIGRAPHY, MODERN HEBREW — Origins The origins of modern Hebrew calligraphy can be found in two ways. One can seek its sources in Hebrew scribal traditions, or one can see it as part of the international revival of calligraphy as an art form, a movement that has grown… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Western calligraphy — (from Greek polytonic|κάλλος kallos beauty + polytonic|γραφή graphẽ writing ) is the art of writing (Mediavilla 1996: 17). A contemporary definition of calligraphic practice is the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious and… …   Wikipedia

  • Letterer — A letterer is a member of a team of comic book creators responsible for drawing the comic book s text. The letterer crafts the comic s display lettering : the story title lettering and other special captions and credits that usually appear on a… …   Wikipedia

  • map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… …   Universalium

  • Map — /map/, n. Walter, c1140 1209?, Welsh ecclesiastic, poet, and satirist. Also, Mapes /mayps, may peez/. * * * I Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an… …   Universalium

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