- Hall cell
ячейка Холла
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Hall cell — Holo narvelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. Hall cell vok. Hall Zelle, f rus. ячейка Холла, f pranc. cellule Hall, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Hall-Zelle — Holo narvelis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. Hall cell vok. Hall Zelle, f rus. ячейка Холла, f pranc. cellule Hall, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Cell (novel) — Cell … Wikipedia
hall — O.E. heall place covered by a roof, spacious roofed residence, temple, law court, from P.Gmc. *khallo to cover, hide (Cf. O.S., O.H.G. halla, Ger. halle, Du. hal, O.N. höll hall; O.E. hell, Goth. halja hell ), from PIE root *kel … Etymology dictionary
Cell — Cell, n. [OF. celle, fr. L. cella; akin to celare to hide, and E. hell, helm, conceal. Cf. {Hall}.] 1. A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit. [1913 Webster] The heroic confessor in his… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cell development — Cell Cell, n. [OF. celle, fr. L. cella; akin to celare to hide, and E. hell, helm, conceal. Cf. {Hall}.] 1. A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit. [1913 Webster] The heroic confessor in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cell formation — Cell Cell, n. [OF. celle, fr. L. cella; akin to celare to hide, and E. hell, helm, conceal. Cf. {Hall}.] 1. A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit. [1913 Webster] The heroic confessor in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cell genesis — Cell Cell, n. [OF. celle, fr. L. cella; akin to celare to hide, and E. hell, helm, conceal. Cf. {Hall}.] 1. A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit. [1913 Webster] The heroic confessor in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cell theory — Cell Cell, n. [OF. celle, fr. L. cella; akin to celare to hide, and E. hell, helm, conceal. Cf. {Hall}.] 1. A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent; the hut of a hermit. [1913 Webster] The heroic confessor in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cell — early 12c., small room, from L. cella small room, store room, hut, related to L. celare to hide, conceal, from PIE root *kel conceal (Cf. Skt. cala hut, house, hall; Gk. kalia hut, nest, kalyptein to cover, koleon sheath … Etymology dictionary
cell — [sel] n. [ME < OE < OFr celle < L cella, small room, hut (LL(Ec), monastic cell) < IE base * kel , to conceal > HALL, HELL, HULL1, Goth halja] 1. a small convent or monastery attached to a larger one 2. a hermit s hut … English World dictionary