- hafnium
гафний, Hf
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Hafnium — Lutécium ← Hafnium → Tantale Zr … Wikipédia en Français
hafnium — [ afnjɔm ] n. m. • 1923; du danois (Køben)havn « Copenhague », lieu de découverte, et suff. ium ♦ Chim. Élément atomique (Hf; no at. 72; m. at. 178,5), métal très brillant, ductile, de la même colonne que le titane et le zirconium. hafnium n. m … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hafnium — kommer af det latinske Hafinia som betyder København. I 1923 Blev det opdaget af D. Coster G. von Hevesey, ved hjælp af røngent spektroskop analyse. Man havde allerede inden opdagelsen forudsat Hafniums exsistensen i adskillige mineraler.… … Danske encyklopædi
hafnium — haf ni*um (h[a^]f n[=e]*[u^]m or h[aum]f n[=e]*[u^]m), n. A metallic element of atomic number 72 present together with zirconium to the extent of 1% to 5% in zirconium minerals. It is a poisonous, ductile metal with a brilliant silver luster, has … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
*hafnium — ● hafnium nom masculin (de Hafnia, ancien nom latin de Copenhague) Métal rare, analogue au zirconium. (Élément n° 72 de symbole Hf et de masse atomique 178,49.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
hafnium — Symbol: Hf Atomic number: 72 Atomic weight: 178.49 Silvery lustrous metallic transition element. Used in tungsten alloys in filaments and electrodes, also acts as a neutron absorber. First reported by Urbain in 1911, existence was finally… … Elements of periodic system
hafnium — (n.) rare element, 1923, Modern Latin, from Hafnia, Medieval Latin form of Dan. Havn harbor, the usual pre 1400 name of COPENHAGEN (Cf. Copenhagen), Denmark, where it was discovered by physicist Dirk Coster (1889 1950) and chemist George de… … Etymology dictionary
hafnium — [haf′nē əm] n. [ModL: so named (1923) by D. Coster (1889 1950), Du chemist, and G. C. de Hevesy ( c. 1889 1966), Hung chemist, after Hafnia, Latinized name of Dan København, COPENHAGEN, where it was discovered + IUM] a metallic chemical element… … English World dictionary
Hafnium — lutetium ← hafnium → tantalum Zr ↑ Hf ↓ Rf … Wikipedia
Hafnium — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
hafnium — /haf nee euhm, hahf /, n. Chem. a gray, toxic metallic element with a high melting point (over 2000°C), found in most zirconium minerals. Symbol: Hf; at. wt.: 178.49; at. no.: 72; sp. gr.: 12.1. [1923; < NL Hafn(ia) Copenhagen + IUM] * * * ▪… … Universalium