- gyrostabilizer
1) мор. гироскопический успокоитель качки, гироуспокоитель2) возд. гиростабилизатор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
gyrostabilizer — [jī΄rō stā′bə līz΄ər] n. a device consisting of a gyroscope spinning in a vertical plane, used to stabilize the side to side rolling of a ship, spacecraft, etc … English World dictionary
gyrostabilizer — giroskopinis stabilizatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gyroscopic stabilizer; gyrostabilizer vok. Stabilisierungskreisel, m rus. гироскопический стабилизатор, m pranc. gyrostabilisateur, m; stabilisateur gyroscopique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
gyrostabilizer — noun Date: 1921 a stabilizing device (as for a ship or airplane) that consists of a continuously driven gyro spinning about a vertical axis and pivoted so that its axis of spin may be tipped fore and aft in the vertical plane and that serves to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
gyrostabilizer — /juy reuh stay beuh luy zeuhr/, n. a device for stabilizing a seagoing vessel by counteracting its rolling motion from side to side, consisting essentially of a rotating gyroscope weighing about 1 percent of the displacement of the vessel. Also… … Universalium
gyrostabilizer — noun A device for stabilizing using a gyroscope … Wiktionary
gyrostabilizer — noun a gyroscopic device for maintaining the equilibrium of a ship, aircraft, platform, etc. Derivatives gyrostabilized adjective … English new terms dictionary
gyrostabilizer — gy·ro·stabilizer … English syllables
gyrostabilizer — gy•ro•sta•bi•liz•er [[t]ˌdʒaɪ rəˈsteɪ bəˌlaɪ zər[/t]] n. naut. navig. aer. a device, consisting essentially of a rotating gyroscope, for stabilizing a seagoing vessel or aircraft by counteracting its rolling motion from side to side. Also called… … From formal English to slang
gyrostabilizer — n. a gyroscopic device for maintaining the equilibrium of a ship, aircraft, platform, etc … Useful english dictionary
gyrostat — noun see gyrostabilizer … New Collegiate Dictionary
M4 Sherman — Medium Tank M4 An M4A3E8 76 mm armed Sherman tank made during the Second World War Type … Wikipedia