Смотреть что такое "gyro" в других словарях:
Gyro — may refer to:*An abbreviation for autogyro, a type of rotary wing aircraft *Gyro (or, more properly, gyros), a pita sandwich or the rotisseried meat it contains *An abbreviation for gyroscope, an orientation stabilizing device *The casually used… … Wikipedia
GYRO — is a computational plasma physics code developed and maintained at General Atomics. It solves the 5 D coupled gyrokinetic Maxwell equations using a combination of finite difference, finite element and spectral methods. Given plasma equilibrium… … Wikipedia
Gyro — Gyro; gyro; … English syllables
gyro... — gyro... [griechisch gỹros »Kreis«], vor Vokalen verkürzt zu gyr..., Wortbildungselement mit der Bedeutung: Drehung, Windung, kreisende Bewegung, z. B. gyromagnetisch, Gyroskop … Universal-Lexikon
gyro — sandwich made from roasted lamb, late 20c., originally the meat itself, as roasted on a rotating spit, from Modern Gk. gyros a circle (see GYRE (Cf. gyre)); mistaken in English for a plural and shorn of its s … Etymology dictionary
gyro- — from comb. form of Gk. gyros ring, circle (see GYRE (Cf. gyre)) … Etymology dictionary
gyro — gyro1 [jī′rō΄] n. short for: 1. GYROSCOPE 2. GYROCOMPASS gyro2 [yir′ō, jir′ō, gir′ō, hyir′ō; jī′rō] n. pl. gyros [< ModGr gyros, a circle (from rotating meat on a spit), wrongly taken as a pl.] … English World dictionary
gyro- — [jī′rō, jī′rə] [< Gr gyros, a circle: see GYRATE] combining form 1. gyrating [gyroscope] 2. gyroscope [gyrocompass]: Also, before a vowel, prefix combining form gyr … English World dictionary
gyro- — gyr(o) ou gir(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. guros « cercle ». gyr(o) , gir(o) , gyre éléments, du gr. guros, cercle . ⇒GYR(O) , GIR(O) , (GYR , GYRO , GIR … Encyclopédie Universelle
gyro — giroskopas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. gyro; gyroscope vok. Kreisel, m; Kreisel gerät, n rus. гироскоп, m pranc. gyro, m; gyroscope, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Gyro — noun (plural Gyros) Etymology: Gyro International (association) Date: 1971 a member of a major international service club … New Collegiate Dictionary