antiwear additive

antiwear additive
1) противоизносная присадка
2) антифрикционная присадка (для жидкости гидросистемы)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "antiwear additive" в других словарях:

  • Oil additive — Oil additives are chemical compounds that improve the lubricant performance of base oil (or oil base stock ). By utilizing the same base stock, many different oils can be manufactured, each with its distinctive properties. Additives comprise up… …   Wikipedia

  • AW additive — AW additives, or antiwear additives, are additives for lubricants to prevent metal to metal contact between parts of gears.EP additives are usually used in applications such as gearboxes, while AW additives are used with lighter loads such as… …   Wikipedia

  • EP additive — EP additives, or extreme pressure additives, are additives for lubricants with a role to decrease wear of the parts of the gears exposed to very high pressures. They are also added to cutting fluids for machining of metals.EP additives are… …   Wikipedia

  • Kühlschmierstoff — Die Artikel Kühlschmiermittel und Kühlschmierstoff Zufuhrsysteme beim Schleifen überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Zinc oxide — Other names Zinc white Calamine Identifiers …   Wikipedia

  • Kühlschmiermittel — Einsatz von Kühlschmiermittel beim Fräsen Kühlschmiermittel oder Kühlschmierstoffe (Abkürzung: KSS) dienen in der Fertigungstechnik beim Trennen und Umformen auf Werkzeugmaschinen der Wärmeabfuhr und Verminderung der Reibung zwischen Werkzeug und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • противоизносная присадка — Присадка, препятствующая или уменьшающая скорость или интенсивность изнашивания трущихся поверхностей [ГОСТ 27674 88] Тематики трение, изнашивание и смазка EN antiwear additive …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Motor oil — For the TV documentary focused on the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey League, see Oil Change (TV Series). Motor oil sample Motor oil or engine oil is an oil used for lubrication of various internal combustion engines. The main function is… …   Wikipedia

  • Molybdenum — niobium ← molybdenum → technetium Cr ↑ Mo ↓ W …   Wikipedia

  • Catalytic converter — A catalytic converter (colloquially, cat or catcon ) is a device used to reduce the toxicity of emissions from an internal combustion engine. First widely introduced on series production automobiles in the US market for the 1975 model year to… …   Wikipedia

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