
1) горн. несработавший шпур
2) (скважинный) перфоратор
3) керноотборник, грунтонос (аппарат для отбора образцов пород из стенки скважины)
4) сейсмический (морской) источник
5) инжектор; распылитель
6) шприц, нагнетатель (для пластичной смазки)
7) форсунка
8) металлизатор, металлизационный пистолет
9) сварочный пистолет; сварочная горелка
10) сварочные клещи
11) электронный прожектор, электронная пушка
12) ружье; пушка
13) космонавт. трубчатая пусковая направляющая
abrasive jet gun
ac gun
air gun
annular gun
anticomet-tail gun
antisetoff spray gun
bent gun
bipotential focus gun
blue gun
bullet gun
capsule-type jet gun
casing gun
cement gun
cleaning gun
close-coupled work-accelerated gun
CO2 gun
coaxial-coil gun
compressor gun
concrete gun
crossed-field gun
dense plasma gun
desoldering gun
diesel-oil gun
Dinoseis gas gun
distant gun
double bipotential gun
double-barrel mud gun
electric gun
electromagnetic rocket gun
electron gun
electron-beam melting gun
electrostatic gun
electrostatic powder gun
erasing gun
expendable capsule jet gun
explosive actuated gun
feed gun
field-emitting electron gun
flooding gun
flood gun
fog gun
gas gun
glow-discharge gun
grease gun
green gun
hand-held gun
heat gun
heavy-caliber bullet gun
high-density plasmoid gun
high-unipotential focus gun
high-voltage bipotential gun
holding gun
hollow-carrier jet gun
hydraulic gun
hydraulic welding gun
hypervelocity gun
in-line firing gun
in-line guns
ion gun
irrigation gun
jet gun
line-throwing gun
low-pressure gun
lubricating gun
magnetic gun
marking gun
mechanically oriented gun
metal spraying gun
metal spray gun
mud gun
multibarrel gun
multidirectional firing gun
notch gun
offset gun
oil gun
one-shot gun
on-line gun
open chamber gun
orbital gun
overdense plasmoid gun
paint-spray gun
perforating gun
pickling gun
pincer gun
pinch welder gun
planting gun
plasma gun
poke gun
postacceleration gun
powder spray gun
pressure gun
proton gun
puffing gun
pump gun
push gun
ramp gun
ray gun
reading gun
red gun
refractory gun
retrievable gun
retrievable mud gun
rocker gun
Scallop gun
selective gun
semiexpendable gun
shaped-charge gun
short-barrel gun
shotcrete gun
slim hole gun
slurry gun
snow gun
soldering gun
spot-welding gun
spraying gun
spray gun
sputter gun
squirt gun
staple gun
steam gun
steel retrievable gun
stowing gun
strip jet gun
stud gun
swing jet gun
tank washing gun
taphole gun
three-barreled gun
thru-tubing gun
tubing-type jet gun
ultradense plasmoid gun
unipotential-bipotential gun
welding gun
wire gun
wire-line gun
work-accelerated gun
work-accelerated zone-refining gun
writing gun

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gun" в других словарях:

  • Gun — (g[u^]n), n. [OE. gonne, gunne; of uncertain origin; cf. Ir., Gael., & LL. gunna, W. gum; possibly (like cannon) fr. L. canna reed, tube; or abbreviated fr. OF. mangonnel, E. mangonel, a machine for hurling stones.] 1. A weapon which throws or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gun fu — is the style of sophisticated close quarters gunplay seen in Hong Kong action cinema [cite book|title=The Cinema of Tsui Hark|url=|page=203|author=Lisa Morton|publisher=McFarland|isbn=0786409908|year=20… …   Wikipedia

  • gun — [gun] n. [ME gunne, gonne, contr. < gonnilde, a 14th c. cannon < ON Gunnhildr, fem. name (< gunnr, older form of guthr, war + hildr, battle)] 1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is discharged by the force of an …   English World dictionary

  • Gun — (englisch für Schusswaffe) beziehungsweise GUN steht für Gun (Schiff), Frachtdampfschiff aus Schweden mit 1.198 BRT Gun (Japan), ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit in Japan GUN, Videospiel von Activision The Gun, britische Hardrockband Ende der 60er… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gun — Gun: The Gun (группа)  английская рок группа. Gun (группа)  шотландская рок группа. Gun (игра)  компьютерная игра в стиле вестерна. Gun (телесериал) (англ.) телесериал США 1997 года. Gun сингл российской поп группы Serebro с… …   Википедия

  • gun — ► NOUN 1) a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets or shells are propelled by explosive force. 2) a device for discharging something (e.g. grease) in a required direction. 3) N. Amer. a gunman: a hired gun. ► VERB (gunned, gunning)… …   English terms dictionary

  • GUN — o Gun puede referirse a: GUN, un videojuego de 2005 desarrollado por Neversoft y distribuido por Activision; GUN Records, una discográfica alemana. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste… …   Wikipedia Español

  • gunþjō — *gunþjō germ., stark. Femininum (ō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (Neutrum); Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., as., ahd.; Quelle: Personenname (4. Jh.); …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • GUN — Entwickler Neversoft Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gun — 〈[gʌ̣n] n. 15 oder f. 10; umg.〉 Spritze zum Injizieren von Rauschmitteln [engl., „Feuerwaffe“] * * * Gun [gan], das od. der; s, s [engl. amerik. gun = Injektionsnadel, spritze, eigtl. = Schusswaffe, Revolver] (Jargon): Spritze, mit der Rauschgift …   Universal-Lexikon

  • gunþa- — *gunþa , *gunþaz germ.?, stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Kampf, Kämpfer; ne. fight (Neutrum), fighter; Hinweis: s. *gunþjō; Quelle: Personenname; Etymologie: s. ing. *gʷhenə …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

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