
1) увеличение; рост; прирост
2) выращивание
3) наращивание
4) предмет выращивания
5) растительный покров
6) размножение; рост (клеток)
growth by flux evaporation — выращивание (кристаллов) методом выпаривания расплава;
growth by heat exchanger method — выращивание (кристаллов) методом теплообменника;
growth by sintering — выращивание (кристаллов) методом спекания;
growth from liquid solution — выращивание (кристаллов) из жидкого раствора;
growth from melt — выращивание (кристаллов) из расплава
growth of cyclone — углубление циклона
growth of metastable phases — рост (кристаллов) метастабильных фаз
abnormal grain growth
advance growth
after growth
annual growth
apical growth
austenite grain growth
autodecent growth
automatic growth at diameter
auxetic growth
balanced growth
basal area growth
biological growth
boat growth
bottom growth
cellular growth
centrifugal zone growth
confluent growth
crack growth
crusibleless growth
crystal growth
crystal-pulling growth
dendritic growth
diameter growth
discontinuous growth
domain growth
early growth
edge-defined film-fed growth
edge-stabilized silicon ribbon growth
electroepitaxial growth
epitaxial film growth
epitaxial growth
epitaxial vacuum growth
exaggerated grain growth
exponential growth
filamentary crystal growth
film growth
flame-fusion growth
flux growth
fracture growth
grain growth
gravity-free growth
gross growth
hail growth
heteroepitaxial growth
homoepitaxial growth
hydrothermal growth
isothermal growth
late logarithmic growth
latent growth
lateral growth
layer growth
liquid-phase epitaxial growth
liquid epitaxial growth
machine thermal growth
melt growth
microgravity growth
molecular-beam growth
monoclinic growth
multiple silicon ribbon growth
neck growth
noncoherent growth
nucleus growth
old growth
one growth
on-orbit growth
oriented growth
oxide growth
poly growth
precipitation growth
pulling growth
raindrop growth
rated growth
rate growth
reliability growth
sea ice growth
second growth
seeded growth
selective growth
silicon ribbon growth
silicon sheet growth
single-crystal growth
solid-liquid growth
solid-solid growth
spiral growth
stand growth
submersed growth
surface growth
tetrahedral growth
thermal-gradient growth
unbalanced growth
vapor-phase epitaxial growth
vapor epitaxial growth
Verneil growth
volume growth
whisker growth
young growth
zone growth

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "growth" в других словарях:

  • growth — W2 [grəuθ US grouθ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(increase)¦ 2¦(business/economy)¦ 3¦(size/strength)¦ 4¦(importance)¦ 5¦(personal development)¦ 6¦(disease)¦ 7¦(growing thing)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: grow] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • growth — [ grouθ ] noun *** ▸ 1 a gain in number, etc. ▸ 2 economic increase ▸ 3 when living things grow ▸ 4 emotional development ▸ 5 something that grows ▸ 6 lump in/on living thing 1. ) singular or uncount an increase in the number, size, or importance …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Growth — refers to an increase in some quantity over time. The quantity can be physical (e.g., growth in height, growth in an amount of money) or abstract (e.g., a system becoming more complex, an organism becoming more mature). It can also refer to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Growth — (gr[=o]th), n. [Icel. gr[=o][eth]r, gr[=o][eth]i. See {Grow}.] 1. The process of growing; the gradual increase of an animal or a vegetable body; the development from a seed, germ, or root, to full size or maturity; increase in size, number,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • growth — [n1] development, progress advance, advancement, aggrandizement, augmentation, beefing up*, boost, buildup, crop, cultivation, enlargement, evolution, evolvement, expansion, extension, fleshing out*, flowering, gain, germination, heightening,… …   New thesaurus

  • growth — [grōth] n. 1. the process of growing or developing; specif., a) gradual development toward maturity b) formation and development 2. a) degree of increase in size, weight, power, etc. b) the full extent of such increase 3 …   English World dictionary

  • growth — growth. См. рост. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • growth — I (evolution) noun advancement, development, evolvement, expansion, flowering, fruition, germination, improvement, maturation, movement toward adulthood, movement toward maturity, progress, ripening, sprouting, unfolding II (increase) noun… …   Law dictionary

  • GROWTH — Relief Opportunity Without Tax Hike (Governmental » US Government) …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • growth — 1550s, from GROW (Cf. grow) + TH (Cf. th), on model of health, stealth, etc. Cf. O.N. groði, from groa to grow. In this sense, O.E. used grownes …   Etymology dictionary

  • growth — ► NOUN 1) the process of growing. 2) something that has grown or is growing. 3) a tumour or other abnormal formation …   English terms dictionary

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