- ground-controlled approach
заход на посадку под контролем наземных средств
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
ground controlled approach — ground controlled approach, an approach and landing by an aircraft under ground control, due to poor visibility. Abbr: GCA (no periods) … Useful english dictionary
Ground-controlled approach — In aviation a ground controlled approach (GCA), is a type of service provided by air traffic controllers whereby they guide aircraft to a safe landing in adverse weather conditions based on radar images. Most commonly a GCA uses information from… … Wikipedia
ground-controlled approach — The technique or procedure for “talking down” an aircraft during its approach to position it for landing. A radar approach system operated from the ground by air traffic personnel transmits instructions to the pilot by radio. The initial approach … Aviation dictionary
Ground Controlled Approach — Der Bodengesteuerte Anflug (Ground Controlled Approach, kurz GCA) ist ein in der Luftfahrt verwendetes radargesteuertes, bodengeführtes Blindanflugverfahren, das im Zweiten Weltkrieg entwickelt wurde und auch heute noch bei Ausfall der Avionik im … Deutsch Wikipedia
ground-controlled approach radar — antžeminis tūpimo valdymo radaras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. ground controlled approach radar vok. Bodenpeilsystem, n; Funkmeßlandeanlage, f rus. наземная радиолокационная станция управления посадкой, f pranc. radar d… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
ground-controlled approach procedure — iš žemės valdoma artėjimo tūpti procedūra statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pagal tiksliojo artėjimo ir stebėjimo radiolokatorių duomenis skrydžių vadovo komandomis valdomas orlaivio artėjimas tūpti. atitikmenys: angl. ground controlled… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ground-controlled approach — noun aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar • Syn: ↑GCA • Hypernyms: ↑aircraft landing, ↑airplane landing * * * noun also ground control approach … Useful english dictionary
ground-controlled approach — /grownd keuhn trohld /, Aeron. a system in which an observer interprets radar observations of the position of an aircraft and transmits continuous instructions to its pilot for landing. Abbr.: GCA Also, ground control approach. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
Ground-Controlled Approach — n. aircraft landing in stormy weather in which the pilot is provided with precise guidance for the final approach in landing using surveillance precision approach radar, gca … English contemporary dictionary
ground-controlled approach procedure — The technique for talking down, through the use of both surveillance and precision approach radar, an aircraft during its approach so as to place it in a position for landing. See also automatic approach and landing … Military dictionary
ground-control approach — noun see ground controlled approach … Useful english dictionary