сокр. от grazing-incidence solar telescopeсолнечный телескоп скользящего падения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Grist — Grist, n. [AS. grist, fr. grindan. See {Grind}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Ground corn; that which is ground at one time; as much grain as is carried to the mill at one time, or the meal it produces. [1913 Webster] Get grist to the mill to have plenty in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grist — [grıst] n [: Old English; Origin: grain to be broken into small pieces ] (all) grist to the mill BrE (all) grist for the mill AmE something that is useful in a particular situation ▪ Any publicity is good it s all grist to the mill … Dictionary of contemporary English
grist — [grist] n. [ME < OE, akin to OHG grist in gristgrimmon, to gnash the teeth: for prob. IE base see GRIME] grain that is to be or has been ground; esp., a batch of such grain grist to someone s mill or grist for someone s mill anything that… … English World dictionary
grist — [ grıst ] noun grist for the mill something that can be used for achieving a goal … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
grist — ► NOUN 1) corn that is ground to make flour. 2) malt crushed to make mash for brewing. ● grist to the mill Cf. ↑grist to the mill ORIGIN Old English, grinding … English terms dictionary
grist — O.E. grist action of grinding, grain to be ground, perhaps related to grindan to grind (see GRIND (Cf. grind)), though OED calls the connection difficult. Meaning wheat which is to be ground is early 15c.; the figurative extension from this sense … Etymology dictionary
grist — grist·bite; grist; … English syllables
Grist — For the publication, see Grist Magazine.Grist is grain that has been separated from its chaff in preparation for grinding. It can also mean grain that has been ground at a grist mill. Its etymology derives from the verb grind. Grist can be ground … Wikipedia
Grist — Reri Grist (* 29. Februar 1932 in New York City), Sängerin in der Stimmlage Sopran/Koloratursopran, eine der ersten afro amerikanische Opernsängerinnen mit internationaler Karriere. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie und künstlerisches Wirken 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Grist — This unusual and interesting name is English or perhaps German. It is almost certainly occupational, and to derive from the pre 7th century word grist, which can be either English or German. It has the meaning of grain that has been ground.… … Surnames reference
grist — I. /grɪst / (say grist) noun 1. corn to be ground. 2. ground corn; meal produced from grinding. 3. a. a quantity of grain for grinding at one time. b. the amount of meal from one grinding. c. the quantity of malt for one brewing. –phrase 4. grist …