grid test

grid test
определение адгезии методом решетчатого надреза

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "grid test" в других словарях:

  • — is a website and online community established in 2001 that focuses on cluster computing and grid computing software for users. For the first 6 years of its history it operated several different volunteer computing projects that allowed members to …   Wikipedia

  • Test Manager — is a software tool designed by Marc Elian Bégin, from CERN. It was first created to help the gLite Grid middleware team at CERN to better manage the execution and visualisation of results of different tests, written in different languages and… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Pattern (TV series) — Test Pattern was the first game show on the Canadian television channel MuchMusic in the late from 1989 into the early 1990s. It occasionally featured Canadian musicians who were prominent at the time. Dan Gallagher hosted the program and it was… …   Wikipedia

  • Grid Parity — Solarmodul Fassade Photovoltaikanlage in Berlin Adlershof Unter Photovoltaik oder Fotovoltaik versteht man die direkte Umwandlung von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GRID — Race Driver: GRID Race Driver GRID Éditeur Codemasters Développeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test de performance — Un test de performance est un test dont l objectif est de déterminer la performance d un système informatique. L acception la plus courante de ce terme est celle dans laquelle ces tests logiciels vont avoir pour objectif de mesurer les temps de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Amsler grid — The Amsler grid, used since 1945, is a grid of horizontal and vertical lines used to monitor a person s central visual field. It is a diagnostic tool that aids in the detection of visual disturbances caused by changes in the retina, particularly… …   Wikipedia

  • Методика репертуарных решеток (repertory grid technique) — Все формы репертуарной решетки яв ся производными от Репертуарного теста ролевых конструктов Дж. Келли (Role Construct Repertory Grid Test). Впервые данный тест был описан в его двухтомном труде, где он сформулировал основные принципы теории… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Open Science Grid Consortium — The Open Science Grid Consortium is an organization that administers a worldwide grid of technological resources called the Open Science Grid, which facilitates distributed computing for scientific research. Founded in 2004, the consortium is… …   Wikipedia

  • Repertory grid — The Repertory Grid is an interviewing technique which uses factor analysis to determine an idiographic measure of personality. It was devised by George Kelly in around 1955 and is based on his Personal Constructs theory of personality.… …   Wikipedia

  • Connecticut Academic Performance Test — The Connecticut Academic Performance Test, or simply the CAPT, is a state mandated standardized test administered by the Connecticut State Board of Education that all public school students in Connecticut must take. Students in some districts… …   Wikipedia

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