
1) сетка
2) решётка
3) координатная сетка || наносить (строить) координатную сетку
4) план (чертёж) каркаса здания
5) сетка скважин
6) змеевик; батарея
7) сеть (напр. трубопроводов, дорог, станций) || соединять в сеть
8) решётка (пластины аккумуляторной батареи)
9) электрическая сеть
10) (электро)энергетическая система
11) энергосистема (США.) с линиями передач на 132 и 33 кВ
12) контактная сетка (солнечного элемента)
13) прокладка между пресс-формой и плитой пресса
14) фильтр грубой очистки (насоса)
15) цел.-бум. перфорированная плита (промывного ролла)
16) мор. доковая клетка
17) сеточка для нанесения образца (в электронной микроскопии)
accelerating grid
accumulator grid
aligned grids
anode grid
barrier grid
cathode grid
cavity grid
closely spaced grid
coarse grid
collector grid
collimating grid
column grid
communication grid
computational grid
control grid
coordinate grid
core grid
core support grid
deionizing grid
dense grid
display character grid
district heating grid
equal-area grid
fine grid
fish grid
floating grid
focusing grid
focus grid
free grid
gage grid
grade grid
graphite grid
ground grid
helical grid
klystron control grid
longitude-latitude grid
makeup grid
map grid
medium grid
melt grid
mesh grid
metal grid
National grid
navigation grid
nested grid
nonintercepting grid
nonuniform rectangular grid
observation grid
overlay grid
pin-type melt grid
power grid
pyrolitic graphite grid
quasihomogeneous grid
raster grid
rectangular grid
reference grid
regional thermal grid
resonator grid
retarding grid
retard grid
retention grid
sampling grid
screening grid
screen grid
shadow grid
shield grid
signal grid
space-charge grid
spacer grid
spatial grid
spike grid
square grid
squirrel cage grid
staggered grid
station ground grid
suppressor grid
surveillance grid
telescopic grid
typeface grid
united power grid
variable-pitch grid

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "grid" в других словарях:

  • Grid MP — Developer(s) Univa (formerly known as United Devices, Inc) Stable release 5.6 / July 2008 Operating system Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, AIX, Solaris, HP UX …   Wikipedia

  • Grid — bezeichnet: engl. Raster neue Netz Architektur zur Energieübertragung, siehe Smart Grid eine Eis oder Reifriesin der nordischen Mythologie, siehe Grid (Mythologie) ein Modell zur Organisationsgestaltung (Wirtschaft), siehe Grid Modell ein Electro …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grid TV — AG Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft Unternehmenssitz Grünwald, Deutschland Unternehmensleitung Ingo Wolf (CEO) Andreas Wettstein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grid-TV — AG Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Sitz Baierbrunn, Deutschland Leitung Ingo Wolf (CEO) Andreas Wettstein (VR Präsident) Branche Tel …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • grid — grid; grid·der; grid·e·lin; ne·grid; pen·ta·grid; ti·grid·ia; grid·dle; grid·iron; grid·dler; …   English syllables

  • grid — /grid/, n. 1. a grating of crossed bars; gridiron. 2. Elect. a. a metallic framework employed in a storage cell or battery for conducting the electric current and supporting the active material. b. a system of electrical distribution serving a… …   Universalium

  • grid — [grıd] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: gridiron] 1.) a metal frame with bars across it →↑cattle grid 2.) a pattern of straight lines that cross each other and form squares ▪ Its streets were laid out in a grid pattern. 3.) a set of numbered lines… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • grid — UK US /grɪd/ noun ► [C] a system of wires for supplying electricity across a large region, country, etc.: »The national grid is one of the world s largest utilities. ► [U] IT GRID COMPUTING(Cf. ↑grid computing) ► [C] a pattern or structur …   Financial and business terms

  • grid — [ grıd ] noun count ** 1. ) a pattern of straight lines that cross each other to form squares: streets laid out on a grid pattern Each spreadsheet page is made up of a grid of columns and rows. a ) a pattern of straight lines that form squares on …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Grid — (gr[i^]d), n. 1. A grating of thin parallel bars, similar to a gridiron. [1913 Webster] 2. (Elec.) A plate or sheet of lead with perforations, or other irregularities of surface, by which the active material of a secondary battery or accumulator… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • grid — grid, griddle, gridiron It would be natural to assume that grid was the original word, griddle (‘a circular iron plate that is heated by a fire or by other means for baking, toasting, etc.’) a diminutive of it, and gridiron (‘a cooking utensil of …   Modern English usage

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