- greasy material
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Ointment — A medication preparation that is applied topically (onto the skin). An ointment has an oil base whereas a cream is water soluble. (The word ointment comes from the Latin ungere meaning anoint with oil). * * * A semisolid preparation usually… … Medical dictionary
lithography — [li thäg′rə fē] n. [ LITHO + GRAPHY] the art or process of printing from a flat stone or metal plate by a method based on the repulsion between grease and water: the design is put on the surface with a greasy material, and then water and printing … English World dictionary
Antiattrition — An ti*at*tri tion, n. Anything to prevent the effects of friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc., often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material; antifriction grease. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lithography — Li*thog ra*phy, n. [Cf. F. lithographie.] 1. The art or process of putting designs or writing, with a greasy material, on stone, and of producing printed impressions therefrom. The process depends, in the main, upon the antipathy between grease… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Black clay — Black Clay, or Barro Negro is a traditional technique used in Oaxaca, Mexico for the production of pottery. Black clay pottery is distinguished by its black silvery appearance and its crystal like sound. [ [http://oaxaca travel.com/guide/cultural … Wikipedia
Sebaceous gland — A normal gland of the skin which empties an oily secretion into the hair follicle near the surface of the skin. * * * sebaceous gland n any of the small sacculated glands lodged in the substance of the derma, usu. opening into the hair follicles … Medical dictionary
Vernix caseosa — A white cheesy substance that covers and protects the skin of the fetus and is still all over the skin of a baby at birth. Vernix caseosa is composed of sebum (the oil of the skin) and cells that have sloughed off the fetus skin. Vernix is the… … Medical dictionary
vernix caseosa — the layer of greasy material which covers the skin of a fetus or newborn baby. It is produced by the oil secreting glands of the skin and contains skin scales and fine hairs … The new mediacal dictionary
glit — /glit/ (obsolete) noun 1. Sticky, slimy or greasy material 2. Gleet ORIGIN: ↑gleet * * * glit(te obs. form of gleet n … Useful english dictionary
greaseband — greaseˈband noun (horticulture) A band of sticky or greasy material put around eg a tree trunk to prevent insects from climbing further up it • • • Main Entry: ↑grease … Useful english dictionary
printmaking — /print may king/, n. the art or technique of making prints, esp. as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy. [1925 30; PRINT + MAKING] * * * Art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but… … Universalium