- gravity wave
гравитационная волна
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
gravity wave — n. GRAVITATIONAL WAVE … English World dictionary
Gravity wave — In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two media (e.g. the atmosphere or ocean) which has the restoring force of gravity or buoyancy.When a fluid parcel is displaced on an interface or… … Wikipedia
gravity wave — gravitacinė banga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gravitational wave; gravity wave vok. Gravitationswelle, f rus. гравитационная волна, f pranc. onde de gravitation, f; onde gravitationnelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
gravity wave — noun Date: 1877 1. a wave in a fluid (as the ocean or the atmosphere) which is propagated because of the tendency of gravity to maintain a uniform level or in which gravity is the restoring force 2. gravitational wave … New Collegiate Dictionary
gravity wave — noun (physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light • Syn: ↑gravitation wave • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑wave, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
gravity wave — 1. Astron., Physics. See gravitational wave. 2. a wave created by the action of gravity on local variations in the density of a stratified fluid, as the atmosphere, or at an interface between fluids of different density, as a liquid and a gas.… … Universalium
gravity wave — noun Physics 1》 a hypothetical wave carrying gravitational energy. 2》 a wave propagated on a liquid surface or in a fluid through the effects of gravity … English new terms dictionary
Gravity waves — has differing meanings in differing contexts:* In fluid dynamics, gravity waves * In general relativity, gravity waves are more properly known as gravitational waves … Wikipedia
Wave radar — Ocean surface waves can be measured by several radar remote sensing techniques. Several instruments based on a variety of different concepts and techniques are available to the user and these are all often called wave radars. This article (see… … Wikipedia
wave — Synonyms and related words: Afro, accost, address, advertise, affect, air, ambages, amplitude, anfractuosity, antinode, barber, be poised, beat, beat the drum, betoken, bicker, billow, blazon forth, bob, bobble, bore, bow, brandish, brandishing,… … Moby Thesaurus
Wave the Swallow — Wave,tiene 18 años,es un personaje deSonic the Hedgehog. Es una golondrina morada de la serie de videojuegos, manga y anime de la misma serie, que forma parte de los Babylon Rogues, ladrones que aparecen principalmente en Sonic Riders y Sonic… … Wikipedia Español