grain elevator

grain elevator
1) (зерновой) элеватор
2) нория для зерна

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "grain elevator" в других словарях:

  • grain elevator — grain elevators N COUNT A grain elevator is a building in which grain such as corn is stored and which contains machinery for moving the grain. [AM] …   English dictionary

  • grain elevator — ☆ grain elevator n. a tall warehouse, often cylindrical, for collecting, storing, and discharging grain …   English World dictionary

  • Grain elevator — Saskatchewan Wheat Pool No. 7, Thunder Bay, Ontario. A grain elevator is a tower containing a bucket elevator, which scoops up, elevates, and then uses gravity to deposit grain in a silo or other storage facility. In most …   Wikipedia

  • grain elevator — noun : elevator 1c * * * elevator (def. 4). [1850 55] * * * grain elevator, 1. a building for storing grain, often with machinery for loading and unloading, cleaning, and mixing the grain. 2. a machine that lifts grain from a train or ship to the …   Useful english dictionary

  • grain elevator — noun A large structure for the storage of grain. It is more specialized than a regular granary in that in uses an elevating mechanism to hold the grain in one of many different bins, and that it it designed to fill large trucks and train cars for …   Wiktionary

  • grain elevator — elevator (def. 4). [1850 55] * * * Storage building for grain, usually a tall frame, metal, or concrete structure with a compartmented interior; also, the device for loading grain into a building. One common mechanism consists of a hopper, a long …   Universalium

  • grain elevator — grain′ el evator n. agr. elevator 4) • Etymology: 1850–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • grain elevator — A building for the storage of grain. A warehouse for grain, equipped with elevators, hoppers, spouts, motors, etc. to facilitate the rapid handling of the product in receiving and storing it, and in moving it to railroad cars and trucks for… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • grain elevator — noun Date: 1852 a building for elevating, storing, discharging, and sometimes processing grain …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • grain elevator — /ˈgreɪn ˌɛləveɪtə/ (say grayn .eluhvaytuh) noun a lift or machine which raises grain to another floor …  

  • Peavey–Haglin Experimental Concrete Grain Elevator — Infobox nrhp | name =Peavey–Haglin Experimental Concrete Grain Elevator nrhp type =nhl caption =The Peavey–Haglin elevator, built in 1899 ndash;1900, still stands today. The sign painted on it advertises Nordic Ware, the current owner of the… …   Wikipedia

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