- graded index
плавный профиль (показателя преломления), градиентный показатель преломления
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
graded-index fibre — noun A fibre in an optical fibre cable, in which the refractive index of the glass decreases gradually or in small steps from the central core to the periphery • • • Main Entry: ↑grade … Useful english dictionary
Graded-index fiber — In fiber optics, a graded index or gradient index fiber is an optical fiber whose core has a refractive index that decreases with increasing radial distance from the fiber axis (the imaginary central axis running down the length of the… … Wikipedia
graded index lightguide — gradientinis šviesolaidis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. graded index lightguide; gradient lightguide vok. Gradientenlichtleiter, m; Gradientenlichtwellenleiter, m rus. градиентный световод, m; световод с градиентом показателя… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
graded-index multimode fiber — daugiamodė gradientinė skaidula statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. graded index multimode fiber vok. Gradientmultimodenlichtfaser, f rus. градиентное многомодовое волокно, n pranc. fibre optique multimode à gradient d indice,… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
step-graded index lightguide — laiptuoto lūžio rodiklio šviesolaidis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. step graded index lightguide vok. Lichtwellenleiter mit stufenförmigem Brechzahlprofil, m rus. световод со ступенчатым профилем показателя преломления, m pranc … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Graded vector space — In mathematics, a graded vector space is a type of vector space that includes the extra structure of gradation, which is a decomposition of the vector space into a direct sum of vector subspaces. Contents 1 N graded vector spaces 2 General I… … Wikipedia
Graded algebra — In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra, a graded algebra is an algebra over a field (or commutative ring) with an extra piece of structure, known as a gradation (or grading ). Graded rings A graded ring A is a ring that has a direct sum… … Wikipedia
Index of Economic Freedom — The Index of Economic Freedom is a series of 10 economic measurements created by the Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world s nations. History The Heritage Foundation and the Wall… … Wikipedia
Refractive index profile — A refractive index profile is the distribution of refractive indices of materials within an optical fiber. Some optical fiber has a step index profile, in which the core has one uniformly distributed index and the cladding has a lower uniformly… … Wikipedia
Gradient-index optics — is the branch of optics covering optical effects produced by a gradual variation of the refractive index of a material. An example of gradient index optics is the common mirage of a pool of water appearing on a road on a hot day. The pool is… … Wikipedia
Step-index profile — For an optical fiber, a step index profile is a refractive index profile characterized by a uniform refractive index within the core and a sharp decrease in refractive index at the core cladding so that the cladding is of a lower refractive index … Wikipedia