сокр. от government printing officeгосударственная типография (для печати правительственных документов)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
GPO — abbrev. 1. General Post Office 2. General Printing Office * * * GPO abbr. 1. general post office. 2. Government Printing Office. * * * (in full the … Universalium
GPO — stands for various things (such as the Government Printing Office) but in a healthcare context (and many other contexts) a GPO is a Group Purchasing Organization. A medical GPO might be able to bring the purchasing power and negotiating leverage… … Medical dictionary
GPO — can refer to:*General Post Office **General Post Office (United Kingdom) **General Post Office (Dublin) **General Post Office (Sydney) **General Post Office, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia **General Post Office, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia… … Wikipedia
GPO — (general post office) main post office in a city or town GPO (Government Printing Office) federal agency that provides and distributes printed copies of documents produced by and for all federal agencies (U.S. Government) … English contemporary dictionary
GPO — steht für: Generalplan Ost, nationalsozialistischer Plan zur Ausrottung slawischer Völker durch Vertreibung und Verbannung nach Sibirien Genesis P Orridge (* 1950), englischer Musiker General Post Office, die ehemalige Telekommunkationsbehörde in … Deutsch Wikipedia
GPO — Government Printing Office Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
GPO — GPO, the 1.) the General Post Office the former name of the organization that controls mail in the UK, now called the ↑Post Office 2.) Government Printing Office a US government organization that prints government documents, maps, books etc,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
GPO — [ ,dʒi pi ou ] noun singular 1. ) General Post Office 2. ) Government Printing Office … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
GPO — abbrev. 1. General Post Office 2. General Printing Office … English World dictionary
GPO — Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres Sigles de cinq lettres Sigles de six lettres Sigles de sept… … Wikipédia en Français
GPO — ● ►en sg. m. ►MS Group Policy Object. Objet stockant une politique de groupe dans un GPC ou un GPT. Sur une machine, le GPO est local et s appelle un LGPO … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone