- glycol
aminobutylene glycol
ethylene glycol
hexylen glycol
polyethylene glycol
polypropylene glycol
tetraethylene glycol
triethylene glycol
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
GLYCOL — (éthylèneglycol) Le glycol est l’éthane 1,2 diol, alcool de formule:HOCH2 CH2OH Masse moléculaire: 62,07 g Masse spécifique: 1,113 5 g/cm3 à 20 0C Température de fusion: 12,7 0C Température d’ébullition: 197,6 0C. C’est un liquide incolore,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
glycol — [glī′kôl΄, glī′kōl΄] n. [ GLYC(ERIN) + OL1] 1. ETHYLENE GLYCOL 2. any of a group of alcohols with a hydroxyl group attached to each of two carbon atoms, as ethylene glycol … English World dictionary
Glycol — Gly col, n. [Glycerin + ol. See {Glycerin}.] (Chem.) (a) A thick, colorless liquid, {C2H4(OH)2}, of a sweetish taste, produced artificially from certain ethylene compounds. It is a diacid alcohol, intermediate between ordinary ethyl alcohol and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
glycol — /gluy kawl, kol/, n. 1. Also called ethylene glycol, ethylene alcohol. a colorless, sweet liquid, C2H6O2, used chiefly as an automobile antifreeze and as a solvent. 2. Also called diol. any of a group of alcohols containing two hydroxyl groups.… … Universalium
Glycol — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Glycol peut signifier : Au sens strict, les glycols ou polyols sont un groupe de produits chimiques. Le glycol est également un synonyme de l un de… … Wikipédia en Français
glycol — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary glyc + ol Date: 1857 diol; especially ethylene glycol … New Collegiate Dictionary
Glycol — Die Bezeichnung Glykol, auch Glycol (griech. γλυκύς, [glʉˈkʉs], „süß“), steht für: die Verbindung mit der chemischen Bezeichnung Ethandiol, siehe Ethylenglykol; die Zusammenfassung der Gruppe der Glykole (siehe auch Diethylenglykol,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
glycol — noun a) Any aliphatic diol. b) A thick, colourless liquid, CH(OH), of a sweetish taste, produced artificially from certain … Wiktionary
glycol — 1. A compound containing two alcohol groups. 2. Ethylene g., HOCH2CH2OH, the simplest g.. * * * gly·col glī .kȯl, .kōl n ETHYLENE GLYCOL broadly a related alcohol containing two hydroxyl groups * * * gly·col (gliґkol) any of a group of aliphatic … Medical dictionary
glycol — [ glʌɪkɒl] noun 1》 short for ethylene glycol. 2》 another term for diol. Origin C19: from glycerine + ol … English new terms dictionary
glycol — /ˈglaɪkɒl/ (say gluykol) noun 1. ethylene glycol, a colourless, sweet tasting liquid, CH2 OHCH2OH, used as an antifreeze in motor vehicles. 2. any of a group of alcohols containing two hydroxyl groups. {blend of glycerine and alcohol} …