

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "glycerides" в других словарях:

  • PEG-10 Sunflower Glycerides — is the polyethylene glycol derivative of the mono and diglycerides derived from sunflower seed oil with an average of 10 moles of ethylene oxide. PEG 10 Sunflower Glycerides are commonly used in cosmetic formulations. PEG 10 Sunflower Glycerides… …   Wikipedia

  • PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides — is the polyethylene glycol derivative of the mono and diglycerides derived from macadamia nut oil with an average of 16 moles of ethylene oxide. PEG 16 Macadamia Glycerides are commonly used in cosmetic formulations …   Wikipedia

  • PEG-16 macadamia glycerides — is the polyethylene glycol derivative of the mono and diglycerides derived from macadamia nut oil with an average of 16 moles of ethylene oxide. PEG 16 Macadamia Glycerides are commonly used in cosmetic formulations. This article about an organic …   Wikipedia

  • Mixed ammonium salts of phosphorylated glycerides — The mix of ammonium salts of phosphorylated glycerides can be either made synthetically or from mixture of glycerol and partially hardened plant (most often used: rapeseed oil) oils. Applications It is most often used in food industry as… …   Wikipedia

  • Glyceride — Glycerides, more correctly known as acylglycerols, are esters formed from glycerol and fatty acids.Glycerol has three hydroxyl functional groups, which can be esterified with one, two, or three fatty acids to form monoglycerides, diglycerides,… …   Wikipedia

  • fat — fatless, adj. fatlike, adj. /fat/, adj., fatter, fattest, n., v., fatted, fatting. adj. 1. having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese: a fat person. 2. plump; well fed: a good, fat chicken. 3. consisting of or containing fat; greasy; oily:… …   Universalium

  • LIPIDES — Le terme de lipides recouvre un ensemble de composés naturels qui ont la propriété d’être insolubles dans l’eau, en raison de la présence, dans leurs molécules, de longues chaînes hydrocarbonées d’acides gras ou de dérivés. À l’inverse, ils sont… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • fat and oil processing — ▪ chemistry Introduction       method by which animal and plant substances are prepared for eating by humans.       The oil and fat products used for edible purposes can be divided into two distinct classes: liquid oils, such as olive oil, peanut …   Universalium

  • glycéride — [ gliserid ] n. f. • 1868; de glycérine et ide ♦ Chim. Ester du glycérol. Les glycérides sont des lipides simples. Glycérides des corps gras. ⇒ triglycéride. ● glycéride nom masculin (de glycérine) Lipide simple résultant de l association entre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • CORPS GRAS — Les corps gras font partie d’un ensemble complexe de composés organiques, les lipides, présents dans les tissus animaux et végétaux. Ce sont des lipides simples, caractérisés par leur insolubilité dans l’eau et leur toucher onctueux. Au point de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 1,2,3-Propanetriol — Glycérol Glycérol Général …   Wikipédia en Français

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