- antifriction metal
антифрикционный сплав
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
métal — métal, aux [ metal, o ] n. m. • déb. XIIe; lat. metallum « métal, mine » 1 ♦ Corps simple, doué d un éclat particulier (éclat métallique), bon conducteur de la chaleur et de l électricité et formant, par combinaison avec l oxygène, des oxydes… … Encyclopédie Universelle
antifriction — [ ɑ̃tifriksjɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1866; de 1. anti et friction ♦ Alliage réduisant le frottement, utilisé dans la fabrication de certains organes de machine. En appos. ou adj. inv. Métaux antifriction. ● antifriction adjectif invariable Se dit d un métal… … Encyclopédie Universelle
antifriction alloy — a metallic alloy, as Babbitt metal or bearing bronze, having antifriction qualities. * * * antifriction alloy, any of various alloys of copper, tin, lead, antimony, or zinc, used especially in bearings … Useful english dictionary
antifriction alloy — a metallic alloy, as Babbitt metal or bearing bronze, having antifriction qualities. * * * … Universalium
babbitt metal — /ˈbæbət mɛtl/ (say babuht metl) noun 1. an antifriction metal, an alloy of tin, antimony, lead, and copper, used for bearings, etc. 2. any of various similar alloys. {named after Isaac Babbitt, 1799–1862, US inventor} …
Britannia metal — a white alloy of tin, antimony, and copper in varying proportions, sometimes with small amounts of zinc, lead, and bismuth, used for tableware and as an antifriction material. Also, britannia metal. [1810 20] * * * ▪ alloy alloy composed… … Universalium
Babbitt metal — noun an alloy of tin with some copper and antimony; a lining for bearings that reduces friction • Syn: ↑babbitt • Derivationally related forms: ↑babbitt (for: ↑babbitt) • Hypernyms: ↑alloy, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Babbitt metal — Metall. 1. any of various alloys of tin with smaller amounts of antimony and copper, used as an antifriction lining for bearings. 2. any of various similar alloys. Also, babbitt metal, babbitt. [1870 75, Amer.; named after Isaac Babbitt (1799… … Universalium
Babbitt metal — Bab′bitt met al n. mel any of various alloys of tin with smaller amounts of antimony and copper, used as an antifriction lining for bearings • Etymology: 1870–75; after Isaac Babbitt (1799–1862), U.S. inventor … From formal English to slang
Britannia metal — Britan′nia met al or britan′nia met al n. mel a white alloy of tin, antimony, and copper, sometimes with small amounts of zinc, lead, and bismuth, used for tableware and as an antifriction material • Etymology: 1810–20 … From formal English to slang
Антифрикционный металл — (англ. antifriction metal, франц. métal pour les collets, нем. antifrictionsmetall) металл, противодействующий трению; названия в машиностроительной технике целого ряда близких между собою металлических составов, часто отличающихся друг от друга… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона