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Server administrator — This article concentrates on server administration in the context of computer gaming. For generic server administration, see system administrator. For the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator product see OpenManage. In computer gaming, a server… … Wikipedia
gimp — I. noun Etymology: perhaps from Dutch Date: 1664 an ornamental flat braid or round cord used as a trimming II. noun Etymology: perhaps from gimp fish line strengthened with wire Date: 1893 spirit, vim III. noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Avery Haines — (born ca. 1966 in New Mexico, United States) [cite news | publisher=The Globe and Mail | date=22 January 2000 | page=R11 | first=Alexandra | last=Gill | title=Is this thing on? ] is a Canadian television journalist and host of Health On the Line … Wikipedia
Angoche Island — is a small continental island in the district of same name, Mozambique. Being a coastal island its main source of income was the shipment of slaves, which allowed for the enrichment of the aristocratic classes of the Nappyho clan. It was not… … Wikipedia
gimp — 1. noun /ɡɪmp/ a) A narrow ornamental fabric or braid of silk, wool, or cotton, often stiffened with metallic wire or coarse cord running through it, used as trimming for dresses, curtains, furniture, etc. Also . Im a fisher of men and my gimp is … Wiktionary
gimped — adjective a) Wrapped or wound tightly with a second length of yarn or wire in a tight spiral, often by means of a gimping machine, leaving the core yarn straight and protected ([ … Wiktionary
gimp — [gimp] 1. n. a lame person. (Originally underworld. Rude and derogatory.) □ Lefty tried to mug an old gimp with a cane. □ The gimp came hobbling along, muttering something under his breath. 2. in. to limp about. □ I’ve been gimping a little bit… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions