- GGS process
процесс КГС (газификация угля в слое жидкого чугуна с использованием отходящего газа как топлива)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Governor-General of New Zealand — Te Kāwana Tianara o Aotearoa Standard of the Governor General … Wikipedia
Heinz-Theo Wagner — (* 1959) ist ein deutscher Wirtschaftsinformatiker und seit 2008 Professor für Management und Innovation an der privaten privaten German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS) in Heilbronn. Leben Nach Abitur und Wehrdienst absolvierte Wagner … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pluralismus — Plu|ra|lịs|mus 〈m.; ; unz.〉 1. philosophische Lehre, nach der die Wirklichkeit aus vielen selbstständigen Wesen besteht, die insgesamt keine Einheit bilden; Ggs Monismus 2. Auffassung, dass der Staat aus vielen Macht bzw. Interessengruppen… … Universal-Lexikon
1632 series — The 1632 series, also known as the 1632 verse or Ring of Fire series , is an alternate history book series, created, primarily co written, and coordinated by historian Eric Flint. It is, excepting the lead novel and the serialized e novel The… … Wikipedia
Prozess — Verlauf; Ablauf; Vorgang; Hergang; Gerichtsverfahren; Verfahren; Gerichtsprozess * * * Pro|zess [pro ts̮ɛs], der; es, e: 1. gerichtliches Verfahren zur Entscheidung eines Rechtsstreits: der Prozess Meyer gegen Schulze wird wieder aufgerollt; der… … Universal-Lexikon
Sun — This article is about the star. For other uses, see Sun (disambiguation). The Sun … Wikipedia
Coronal mass ejection — A coronal mass ejection in time lapse imagery obtained with the LASCO instrument. The Sun (center) is obscured by the coronagraph s mask. (September 30 – October 1, 2001) A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive burst of solar wind, other light … Wikipedia
Charles, Prince of Wales — The Prince of Wales redirects here. For other people known as Prince of Wales, see Prince of Wales. Prince Charles redirects here. For other people known as Prince Charles, see Prince Charles (disambiguation). Prince Charles … Wikipedia
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory — Infobox Space telescope name = Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) caption = organization = ESA / NASA alt names = nssdc id = location = L1 orbit type = height = 1.5×106 km (heliocentric) period = 1 Earth year velocity = accel gravity =… … Wikipedia
Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College — For the town in Italy, see Monte Sant Angelo. Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College Latin: Religio Scientia Cultus ( Religion, Knowledge, Culture ) Loca … Wikipedia
List of NIT alumni — This lists some of the prominent alumni of the National Institutes of Technology in India TOC AlumniBusiness/Industry*Vivek Shenoy (CAL:BTech) Chief Technology Officer, Elina Networks *Praveen Vishakantaiah (TRI:BE) Head, Intel India *Lilian… … Wikipedia